
Showing posts from 2014


During the 1960s, back to my Berkeley years, we knew Perfection entirely belongs to the INFINITY of Reality's ISness. And we also knew this Perfection could express itself though all the different forms that compose the universe. Therefore each person had to consciously experience the Perfection of Reality's ISness in him/herself first and then see how this Perfection could express itself through his/her appearance. In Primal Therapy we noticed with Arthur Janov that to the degree we emptied our unresolved pains our bodies retrieved a holistic unity and returned to more harmonious shapes, as if more transparent to the Perfection of Reality's ISness. The quest for beauty was a totally spiritual exploration. It was a very creative and artistic exercise through which each person resembled only to him/herself and expressed Reality's beauty in a very unique way. Today we live in a surface and disconnected period where, with the help of our computers always more precise an


 We are multiplying our communication devices and networks on planet Earth yet, we must admit this doesn't help soothing violence and conflicts. Even the contrary, the terrorist networks blossom on the Net and gradually cyber-attaks are filling the front News. This has a reason: the most fundamental connection without which no subsequent connection can truly be linking us together, is the return to BEING, or Reality's INFINITE ISness in us, which substance is pure consciousness. When pains, too big to be consciously encountered, violate the fetus, the newborn baby and the young child's brain, s(he) is disconnected from Reality inside and takes shelter into a fake and abstract self made of thoughts with which s(he) identifies. These fake and cognitive identities are in fact closed upon themselves and they can only imitate communication with the external world since Real communication passes through BEING in us which they hide. This is then that we recourse to thought-syst


 We are, all of us, identified with our thoughts. But in Reality we are not our thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE and conscious ISness. Jesus said that we can enter the Kingdom of God only when we retrieve the little child we once were". (Matthew, 18:3). This little child was not yet identified with thoughts but s(he) was still consciously BEING shining with the Light of INFINITY through a human envelope. The Kingdom of God is therefore Reality's INFINITE ISness and we reintegrate it throught BEING in us. Therefore Christmas is not only the celebration of the baby Jesus but also the celebration of this period when we were - all of us - still BEING in us or Reality's INFINITE ISness also called the Kingdom of God. As to be reborn to Reality just stop identifying with your thoughts and retrieve BEING in you. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


 Oxytocin is a mammalian neurohypophysial hormone. Produced by the hypothalamus and stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, oxytocin acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. Oxytocin plays an important role in the neuroanatomy of intimacy, specifically in sexual reproduction of both sexes, in particular during and after childbirth; its name comes from Greek ὀξύς, oksys "swift" and τόκος, tokos "birth." It is released in large amounts after distension of the cervix and uterus during labor, facilitating birth, maternal bonding, and, after stimulation of the nipples, lactation. Both childbirth and milk ejection result from positive feedback mechanisms. Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the "Love hormone". There is some evidence that oxytocin promotes e

People Don't Know Their Real Power

Please Check It


The IPCC warned us in its latest report, that we should bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, if we want to keep our planet within the 2° degrees. And the IPCC bases this prevision on the most optimistic scenario. Indeed, during the last decades, the scientists forcasts about Global Warming have been constantly revised upwards. The cascading effet is pretty uncertain and, for instance, we don't know the exact impact of CH4 emissions through the warming of the oceans and the melting of the permafrost. Lima Conference on Climate ends with ridiculous and criminal decisions about CO2 reduction: Reducing CO2 emissions from 40% by 2050 is just nonsense. You can no more haggle over with Global Warming that, for instance, you can haggle over with a fire that transforms your house in a furnace. You cannot say to the blaze: "stop, wait 20 minutes until the firemen arrive". The United States found $ 3000 billion just for I


 The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons says the Bible. Decoded this means that the simple fact the parents are full of unresolved pains, screening the Light of BEING in them, is enough to cause in the child similar pains, too big to be consciously encountered, which will also screen the Light of BEING in his/her depth. Indeed, the child is a messenger of INFINITY sent to our world with the Light of the true knowledge. But when people around are but obstructed windows, not opening anymore upon INFINITY inside them but rather upon their own cognitive and limiting blindness, this limit is imprinted deep in the child and veils the INFINITY quality of his/her own conscious window. The child is vulnerable and unable to resist the massive ignorance of the adults' world, s(he) has no choice but surrender. This is why unresolved pains are utterly contagious and so is the screen of identification with thoughts they generate. The Nativity Feast celebrates a child who came to


 The walls of our cognitive prison are made of fear. The fear of encountering unresolved pains which were so big when they struck us they could have endangered the very survival of the little child we were. These pains therefore were prevented reaching consciousness even before the full blast of their lethal impact. Unfortunately they remain active in our depth like the dangerous sea-mines of the Second World War. The fear of colliding with these unexploded sea-mines remains in us, reverberating in the darkness of our uncounscious recesses. The demons of our mythology, over which the ancient heroes had to win, might well be a metaphor to this fear lingering in us. Yet, we are not heroes and we do not fight the demons of our fear. Unknowingly we run away like cowards, and we do our best to repress fear in us, if needed with tonnes of different anxiolytics, including all the kinds of dope the market may offer. . More fundamentally our organism withdraws us from the fight against our


There are many sorts of meditation and to me they are all good as long as they allow the effective return to BEING in us. Yet, through experience, we all come to privilege one sort of meditation of which we know the results better. Personally I choose to keep meditation the less possible separated from everyday life. I believe that two months of seated meditation, twice a day and for some 15 minutes each time, should be enough to experience BEING as pure OBSERVATION. After these two months we can gradually integrate meditation to our life activities. In Zen Buddhism, KINHIN is the walking meditation. It is practised between long periods of the seated meditation known as Zazen. Practitioners walk clockwise around a room while holding their hands in shashu (叉手), with one hand closed in a fist and the other hand grasping or covering the fist. They also put their feet on the ground in a certain way and follow many other rules that would be too long explaining here.


 What you guys call God, I call it INFINITY, which is everything there "IS". Indeed, INFINITY minus epsilon is not INFINITY, and a God that wouldn't be INFINITY itself would be a limited God that wouldn't be better than a virtual idol or just a make believe. Quantum Physics demonstrates that Reality's essence, or ISness, is INFINITE in its very quality. This means that whatever is not INFINITE is not Real and is just a creation of our disconnected and limited thoughts. Even a point-particle, like an electron for instance, has a Real Mass and a Real charge which are INFINITE. The same as an ocean wave is entirely made of the ocean's water and that when the wave dies no water is removed from the ocean, the same we all belong in INFINITY, we all are intrinsically made of INFINITY. And INFINITY is indivisible, limitfree, non-local and sizeless. This is why we are called the Children of God by some religions. Yet, as to wake up to this filiation we must abandon


The problem is the so-called Humanists are no more Humanists than the so-called Muslims are Muslims. Both are a bunch of traumatized people, identified with their thoughts, like one is locked up in an armour, and therefore disconnected from Reality's INFINITE and indivisible essence which is BEING in us. Since Reality's essence is INFINITE, remove this essence from the forms it inhabits and no form remains, zero. So, even though this essence seems a conscious void that cannot be measured, it is the ISness of absolutely everything, including you and me little ants. The so-called Humanists and the so-called Muslims affirm belonging to ideologies they both can neither follow nor fulfill. Instead, they use these ideologies as to justify the violence of their secret and unresolved pains they hurl upon each other and menwhile destroy the world, this little planet which is our common and irreplaceable home. All this disconnected and violent circus is but pretence and




 We are all looking for a father or mother figure that would protect us. We notably project this need through our religions and expect its fulfilment from our God. Often we also and unconsciously seek this protection from a spiritual teacher. Yet, a spiritual teacher should not accept to fulfill the need to be protected which directly comes from an unresolved childhood and entirely belongs to identification with thoughts. Only BEING in us and its INFINITY can provide for this protection and a true spiritual teacher will not deflect the seekers' need for protection on him/herself. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


 When we don't have access to BEING in us, we miss something so great, so irreplaceable, so fantastic, that we uncontrollably need to compensate this void with something and this thing, no matter what it is, works like a dope. It can be the possession of someone, the possession of power, the possession of pleasure, the possession of wealth, the possession of honor, the possession of knowldege, the possession of food inside our body, the feeling of possession dope gives us, or any kind of other possession as crazy as the possession of the future for instance. We cling to our possessions just like a castaway clings to her raft yet, when we loosen our grip and sink in the ocean's water we realize it is just our very substance and there's nothing to fear at all. When we don't have access to BEING in us this lack inscribes us in an insane quest that aims at filling this void of BEING and we do it even unconsciously. Therefore the first step is to STOP trying to fill this vo


I heard you at Lima Climate Conference Mr. John Kerry. Indeed, if we do not act now, and drastically reduce our CO2 emissions, we'll be responsible for the planetary disaster to comme soon. This is why, in consequence, we must block the rise of the global temperature to 2° degrees, and this at any price. The IPCC warned us that as to achieve this goal we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50 % of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020. And we know well the IPCC chooses to call for the lowest possible reduction among the different scenarios as to be sure to be accepted by the different political and industrial leaders. Indeed, these latter are blind like moles that would be guided only by the smell of money and transforming the world into a marketplace where everything can be sold even humans' souls.. Therefore the solution is certainely not to lower the Oil price. On the contrary you must rise this price and deduct a percentage that'll go for the nuclear


 You cannot enclose the bird of freedom in any cage. Not even in the cage you tag with the word "Freedom". Identification with thoughts is our most fundamental cage from which no freedom can escape. Freedom entirely belongs to BEING's depth which since INFINITE knows no kind of perimeter. ThankYou Patrick Ali Pahlavi


 You are not what you think. What you ARE is BEING in you. Therefore as to find your Real Self stop thinking and experience the ISness of Reality in you, which is also called BEING. When you succeed remaining at the always renewed tip of the Present Instant (which is unique) this tip is so short in duration that thoughts do not have the necessary time to be generated and they stop altogether. This unveils consciousness which when naked shows its limitlessness and is what we call BEING in us. Patrick Ali Pahlavi

Never Personalize Christ Don't Make Guru In A Avtar

If you are drawn to an enlightened teacher, it is because there is already enough presence in you to recognize presence in another. There were many people who did not recognize Jesus or the Buddha, as there are and always have been many people who are drawn to false teachers. Egos are drawn to bigger egos. Darkness cannot recognize light. Only light can recognize light.  So don't believe that the light is outside you or that it can only come through one particular form. If onl y your master is an incarnation of God, then who are you? Any kind of exclusivity is identification with form, and identification with form means ego, no matter how well disguised.  Use the master's presence to reflect your own identity beyond name and form back to you and to become more intensely present yourself. You will soon realize that there is no "mine" or "yours" in presence. Presence is one. "The Real GURU Is in You" ~ Patrick Ali Pahlavi


मार्ग पर गुरु आखिरी बाधा होती है। गुरु के प्रति प्रेम को गिराना बहुत मुश्किल है। तुम सब कुछ गिरा सकते हो--तुम सारी दुनिया का त्याग कर सकते हो, तुम स्वयं का त्याग कर सकते हो--लेकिन जब तक कि आखिरी चीज भी गिरा नहीं दी जाए, गुरु के प्रति लगाव की छोटी सी बात तुम्हारे अहंकार का मूल बन जाता है। गौतम बुद्ध ने कहा, "यदि तुम मार्ग में मुझसे मिलो, तत्काल मेरा सिर काट देना।' वे लाक्षणिक बात कर रहे हैं। क्योंकि जब तुम ध्यान करते हो हर चीज विदा हो जाएगी, लेकिन अंततः, तुम देखोगे कि गुरु वहां है। जब सारी दुनिया विदा हो गई तब गुरु मौजूद होगा। यह तुम्हारा अखिरी प्रेम है, और यह इतना तृप्तिदायी है, इतना शांतिदायी है कि तुम उस दशा में हमेशा के लिए बने रहना चाहते हो। सिर्फ गुरु कह सकता है कि "यह लक्ष्य नहीं है। एक कदम और : गुरु के इस मोह को भी जाने दो ताकि तुम पूरी तरह से मोह से मुक्त हो जाओ।' पूरी तरह से मोह से मुक्त होने पर अहंकार विदा हो जाता है। अहंकार का विदा हो जाना तुम्हारा विदा हो जाना नहीं है। अहंकार का विदा हो जाना पहली बार तुम्हारा होना होता है; झूठ विदा हो जात


OSHO, IS TRUTH A DISCOVERY OR AN INVENTION? Neither. Once, when commenting upon Isaac Newton's statement that 'the purpose of the scientist is to sail the oceans of the unknown, and discover the islands of truth,' Jerome Bruner impetuously burst forth with the claim: 'Nonsense - the purpose of the scientist is to sail the oceans of the unknown, and INVENT the islands of truth!' The emphasis - Isaac Newton says 'to discover', and Jerome Bruner says, 'Nonsense. It is to invent.' And I would like to say to Bruner: Bruner, this is all just bullshit. The purpose of the scientist is to sail the oceans of the unknown and REDISCOVER the islands of truth. It is neither discovery nor invention. Discovery means 'for the first time'. That is stupid. Eternity has been in the past - all the truths that we know again and again, are only rediscovered. They have been discovered many times; then we get fed-up, then we start forgettin


 There are many sorts of meditation and to me they are all good as long as they allow the effective return to BEING in us. Yet, through experience, we all come to privilege one sort of meditation of which we know the results better. Personally I choose to keep meditation the less possible separated from everyday life. I believe that two months of seated meditation, twice a day and for some 15 minutes each time, should be enough to experience BEING as pure OBSERVATION. After these two months we can gradually integrate meditation to our life activities. In Zen Buddhism, KINHIN is the walking meditation. It is practised between long periods of the seated meditation known as Zazen. Practitioners walk clockwise around a room while holding their hands in shashu (叉手), with one hand closed in a fist and the other hand grasping or covering the fist. They also put their feet on the ground in a certain way and follow many other rules that would be too long explaining here. Faithfully following


 We hear a lot about the protection of women, of homosexuals, of minorities, ethnics, cultural, religious, etc. On my side, I would like to speak about the protection of the fetus and the young child since this is ONLY because we were not respected for who we ARE as a fetus and a young child that later in life we may have such little respect for ourself that we end up lacking of respect for others and for the whole world. In the last stages of gestation, during birth itself and through our early infancy the child is often struck by pains much too big to be consciously encountered. These pains remain in our limbic depth like a cognitive screen made of thoughts with which we identify. This thought-identification - of which we are not conscious - veils BEING in us which ISness is Reality's INFINITE essence. Within the blind horizon of this thought-identity the encapsulated energy of our unresolved pains functions like a bomb that can blow at any moment. This blindness and this


 We hear a lot about the protection of women, of homosexuals, of minorities, ethnics, cultural, religious, etc. On my side, I would like to speak about the protection of the fetus and the young child since this is ONLY because we were not respected for who we ARE as a fetus and a young child that later in life we may have such little respect for ourself that we end up lacking of respect for others and for the whole world. In the last stages of gestation, during birth itself and through our early infancy the child is often struck by pains much too big to be consciously encountered. These pains remain in our limbic depth like a cognitive screen made of thoughts with which we identify. This thought-identification - of which we are not conscious - veils BEING in us which ISness is Reality's INFINITE essence. Within the blind horizon of this thought-identity the encapsulated energy of our unresolved pains functions like a bomb that can blow at any moment. This blindness and this expl


 We all know that ultimately violence calls for violence. Now, the Masons whom, in the name of FREEDOM, are bringing down those they consider as dictators (like Putin), have opened a dangerous Pandora Box. Indeed, the Masons created in 1983 the National Endowment for Democracy to officially organize and finance revolts thoughout the world and change the regimes they didn't like. For this they have allowed violence to gush up and grow everywhere as a tool to uproot these so-called dictators. The problem is the Internet and the TV News created a planetary echo that transformed these revolts thoughtout the world in a kind of FREEDOM-chain that spreads, each new insurrection feeding the next and making echo with all the others. This chaotic uprising works as a kind of behavioral fashion among the young people, a way of life, originally encouraged by the masonic and manipulative autority. The young western jihadists joining the ISIS are at the acme of this world insurrectional moveme


 The excess of energy generated in us by pains too big to be consciously encountered by the vulnerable child, may reappear later in life and overflow in the shape of hatred and violence. Normally education and culture dyke these noxious and neurotic feelings and repress them in our limbic depth, but sometimes they are allowed, or even encouraged to surface, by the social controlling authority. Nazism channelled this hatred and directed it against the Jews. Islam allows and directs this hatred against the infidels and in a certain way today the Masonic power in France and its Mediatic megaphone allow and even encourage the hatred against Nicolas Sarkozy to flow freely. Indeed, this ex-President has become a kind of scapegoat charged with all the evil of the world, and I was amazed when speaking with French people to see that a lot of them hate Sarkozy while not even knowing why ! This is the result of a very sophisticated indoctrination spread by the Masonic sect which controls the cou


To be free from thought identity is to fall into the pit of BEING's INFINITY in us, the only place where we meet with Real freedom. The surface freedoms are illusions that lure and seduce the thought-program we call "me", but never for very long. This is a secret for no one, our thought identity is very easily bored. We need perpetual distractions to keep the illusion of freedom going on ! This is why we need such huge inductries to fashion and feed our surface and illusory freedom ... and it is never enough since the prison is the very thought-program with which we are identified. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


 Appease the thoughts which by rippling the surface of your consciousness blind its deep light. Sink into BEING within you like in a clear water, and thus remove your attention from your hypnotical thinking. Realize how thoughts are tying you up to the fragmented surface of things. Reality's essence is one because INFINITE says quantum physics, and there's nothing separate apart illusion. While identification with anything encloses you like in a prison, the mere observation of the situation as a whole is the only liberation. Experience the ISness of Reality with profound respect since it is INFINITY itself and therefore sacred. The world, including you, is a direct expression of INFINITY, so, don't be shy, embrace it completely, absolutely, and receive the JOY intrinsic to BEING's INFINITE essence in you. You've been invited to this cosmic feast only to share BEING's JOY don't refuse it in the name of some stupid rationality engineered by your thoughts. I


 Maybe is it time for the westernized society to ask itself what should be changed in its functioning ? Our big problem we share with the Muslims and other people on this poor planet, is we are identified with our thoughts. Yet, in Reality, we are NOT our thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE essence, and we share it with the whole universe. By identifying with our thoughts which are limited stuff we enclose ourself into a kind of cognitive bubble which is isolating the individual and creates a conflictual world where people, each locked up into his/her cognitive jail bang against each other. And this distance starts as early as between the newborn child with his/her mom and father. By retrieving the INFINITE depth of BEING in us we stop this isolation and therefore also the conflictual state we have fabricated. Indeed, the fragmented world we have engineered through identification with thoughts is based upon conflict where the antagonists create each


The so-called "Islamic" world is more or less angry and more or less violent and this because it voluntarily locked up itself into a conceptual box - supposed to save it - and feels authorized now, in the name of a supreme authority called Allah, to inflict others this same predicament: the more the merrier. The so-called "Democratic" world is permissive and deviant because, as to capture people like fies in a net, and rule over them in the name of freedom, it declares healthy all the neurotic and perverted behaviors our disconnected minds can build and investigate. These two worlds, as different as they seem, share the same ground which is identification with thoughts. The truth which I repeat again and again through all my texts, is: you dont' have to be identified with your thoughts, it is not necessary. Of course your thoughts tell you otherwise since they want to rule over you. Thought-identity wants to spread its fabricated, cognitive and polluting


When we live our life through identification with thoughts, because thoughts are based upon memories and therefore upon the past and the known in us, everything gets a color of déjà vu, of dull routine and boredom we call "me", that turns in loops like a broken record in our head. This explains why we spend thousands of billion dollar every year on planet EARTH to extract ourselves from this boredom through "distractions", entertainment of many kinds but also a vast variety of different drugs like: alcohol, chemical drugs, illegal and legal, and also sex, religion, food, power, TV, social networks, computergames, etc. As we return to BEING in us, which is Reality's bottomless essence, we find everything is illuminated from inside with the Light of an INFINITE consciousness which is the unique essence to the whole universe. There, and no matter where we stand, everything is always new and holds a profound JOY that only belongs to BEING in us and is independan


At the origin of world's madness there's a little child whose nevrax has been violated by pains too big to be consciously encountered. These pains pollute the childs' psyche and disconnect her from Reality and its INFINITE depth. The so-called normal people, or the people of the norm as I call them, are but the outcome of this unconscious but monstrous stuffing of the child with pains she cannot feel so big they are. This stuffing starts even before birth and spreads now at a planetary scale. Welcome on Humankind's boat turning into The Raft of the Medusa. Our violence and multiple behavior disorders come from this enormous pain energy trapped into the child's fragile body and later on vomited onto the world by the adult she has become. People of the norm are insane people pretending to be healthy because "normal", yet, when we look at what we are doing we clearly see there's something dangerously crazy with us. We take as scapegoats some of us


I am a partisan of the conscious "ISness" in us, which is Reality INFINITE essence, and not of this or that clan since they are all but shelters that armour the fluctuating virtuality of identification with thoughts. When you are a partisan of this clan another person will inevitably feel free being a partisan of that other clan and, locked up into your blind thought-bubbles, you'll end up fighting each other often to death. But when you are a partisan of BEING in you which is Reality's INFINITE essence, everybody knowingly or not shares this boundless and conscious essence and there's no place anymore for conflict and violence. Since then on a harmonious and constructive partnership can take place that works for everyone. A partnership which, facing Global Warming, is crucially needed since this planetary plague doesn't know our frontiers and can be cured only if we work side by side at its resolution. No one is right, neither the Masons nor the Muslims, b


Even though I read a lot of books about ecology and Global Warming, I'm not an expert and neither are Barak Obama and Xi Jinping. The IPCC experts, which are thousands of scientists, say in their latest report that we should bring back our CO2 emissions worldwide to 50% of what they were in 1990 and this before 2020. Knowing the IPCC always presents the lowest range restrictions possible as to have them accepted by the different countries, we clearly see the restrictions proposed by United States and China are ridiculously low and far from what should be done to save our world. Shall I remind these two countries, which are the greatest pollutors, that this is Humankind's survival which is at stake ?  This kind of bargain with Global Warming will, in time, kill much more people than the ISIS could kill during a whole century. Bargaining with Global Warming is not only stupid it is utterly criminal. People wake up, this is our darling children and their children who will pay


The so-called "Islamic" world is more or less angry and more or less violent and this because it voluntarily locked up itself into a conceptual box - supposed to save it - and feels authorized now, in the name of a supreme authority called Allah, to inflict others this same predicament: the more the merrier. The so-called "Democratic" world is permissive and deviant because, as to capture people like fies in a net, and rule over them in the name of freedom, it declares healthy all the neurotic and perverted behaviors our disconnected minds can build and investigate. These two worlds, as different as they seem, share the same ground which is identification with thoughts. The truth which I repeat again and again through all my texts, is: you dont' have to be identified with your thoughts, it is not necessary. Of course your thoughts tell you otherwise since they want to rule over you. Thought-identity wants to spread its fabricated, cognitive and pollutin


Since Kyoto Protocol in 1997, scientists are repeatedly warning us that our CO2 emissions are feeding Global Warming and that we should drastically reduce them. Unfortunately, year after year, these emissions never stopped growing. The United States, the main producer of CO2 emissions for decades, dragged its feet until today and now it is the turn of China and then India and then the rest of the world, claiming their right to pollute Nature like we did before them. The problem is now we have zero time left. The truth is we are like a fly caught into a honey pot but here it is Oil into which we're glued and from which we cannot find the necessary strength to extract ourselves. But why can't we really ? The biggest disease that plagues Humankind is "identification with thoughts". Yet, in Reality we are not our thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's indivisible and limitfree essence. Animals do not pollute Nature because they are still conscio


Innocence cannot be found in the forms Reality assumes but only in Reality's essence whose INFINITY quality is intrinsically innocence. Yet, since having no limits whatsoever this INFINITY quality "IS" absolutely everything there is, it is also the very fabric of the forms through which it expresses itself. And this, as twisted or even rotten as the forms may appear. When asked by a monk: "what is the Buddha?" Ummon answered thus: "A dried shit-stick"! He gave this shocking answer in order to produce a jolt in the monk and make him realize the INFINITE essence of Reality (the Buddha nature) is absolutely everything there is. Remove Reality's INFINITE essence and nothing remains, no form, zero ! Therefore, trying to right the twisted forms by manipulating them from outside, and this in order to retrieve innocence - or even just some kind of morality - is just a miserable masquerade and an unachievable dream. This dream is generated by people ide


The violence the "respectable" adults spread onto the external world is the violence the child received before, during and after birth. Every two minutes in the world a woman dies during childbirth. This says a lot about the environment a child is too often confronted with at the begining of his/her life. Canadian researchers have shown that a child who was subjected to traumas too big to be consciously encountered, before and during birth, and who later had to cross difficult and violent surroundings during the early childhood, has six times more chances to become a violent adult. The traumas that linger unresolved and stored in the limbic system, may be triggered later in life by just trivial stimuli. Pains that remain unresolved because too big to be consciously confronted, hold a load of trapped energy that only want to be released outside the body in the external world. Injustice, since traumas inflicted to a fetus, or a newborn baby child, are always unjust, g