The so-called "Islamic" world is more or less angry and more or less violent and this because it voluntarily locked up itself into a conceptual box - supposed to save it - and feels authorized now, in the name of a supreme authority called Allah, to inflict others this same predicament: the more the merrier.

The so-called "Democratic" world is permissive and deviant because, as to capture people like fies in a net, and rule over them in the name of freedom, it declares healthy all the neurotic and perverted behaviors our disconnected minds can build and investigate.

These two worlds, as different as they seem, share the same ground which is identification with thoughts. The truth which I repeat again and again through all my texts, is: you dont' have to be identified with your thoughts, it is not necessary. Of course your thoughts tell you otherwise since they want to rule over you.

Thought-identity wants to spread its fabricated, cognitive and polluting kingdom everywhere and for this it even engineered bloody masonic revolutions it brandishes as ultimate references or trophies. Yet, when you retrieve BEING in you, this conscious "ISness" which is Reality's limitfree depth, makes you realize what an insane slavery it is to live enclosed into the cognitive limits of identification with thoughts.

This is because the matter is so important that I find worth it writing endlessly about this fundamental and crucial subject and not because I expect anything from anyone of course.

Some of my friends on facebook kindly compare me to some sort of Don Quixote but this comparison is not accurate since I'm just denouncing the windmills of the mind, which are what I call identification with thoughts, while the poor Don Quixote is still pathetically entangled into them.
My purpose is not to convince people or change the world, I'm not that foolish. No, my purpose is just to do my job, you buy it or not, that's your business. The Bhagavad Gîta says: "the action not the fruit of the action". Therefore if my texts can bring you something then: great ! And if they bring nothing to you, then I've tried my best.

Again I'm not here to convince people but only to do my job and pay a tribute to the JOY that belongs to BEING in us and is expression to its INFINITE depth.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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