The violence the "respectable" adults spread onto the external world is the violence the child received before, during and after birth. Every two minutes in the world a woman dies during childbirth. This says a lot about the environment a child is too often confronted with at the begining of his/her life.
Canadian researchers have shown that a child who was subjected to traumas too big to be consciously encountered, before and during birth, and who later had to cross difficult and violent surroundings during the early childhood, has six times more chances to become a violent adult.

The traumas that linger unresolved and stored in the limbic system, may be triggered later in life by just trivial stimuli.

Pains that remain unresolved because too big to be consciously confronted, hold a load of trapped energy that only want to be released outside the body in the external world.

Injustice, since traumas inflicted to a fetus, or a newborn baby child, are always unjust, gives to this energy enclosed in us a color that can turn into blind anger: "why do you this to me "? Of course the cause of the anger remains unconscious in us and unconsciously we look for a "good" reason to empty our silent anger. So, if someone tells us Allah promises you his Paradise if you discharge this anger, this violence, on the "infidels", we have the result we see today, western young guys joining the ISIS en masse.

In a less dangerous way this is this same propensity for releasing pathological inner violence that makes the success of the violent computer games and violent film or TV serials. People can shoot themselves with violence just like they do with a drug or sex for instance. And it is always about releasing the inner tension caused by pains too big to be consciously encountered and therefore defused.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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