We hear a lot about the protection of women, of homosexuals, of minorities, ethnics, cultural, religious, etc. On my side, I would like to speak about the protection of the fetus and the young child since this is ONLY because we were not respected for who we ARE as a fetus and a young child that later in life we may have such little respect for ourself that we end up lacking of respect for others and for the whole world.

In the last stages of gestation, during birth itself and through our early infancy the child is often struck by pains much too big to be consciously encountered. These pains remain in our limbic depth like a cognitive screen made of thoughts with which we identify. This thought-identification - of which we are not conscious - veils BEING in us which ISness is Reality's INFINITE essence.

Within the blind horizon of this thought-identity the encapsulated energy of our unresolved pains functions like a bomb that can blow at any moment. This blindness and this explosivity are at the very roots of all our wrong behaviors later in life, towards women, towards homosexuals, towards minorities of any kind, but most fundamentally towards the child herself.

It is not because the fetus and the young child cannot speak and defend their Rights that they are not humans. In fact they are BEING in them and much more sensitive than the so-called adults who non stop claim their Rights from within their cognitive and pathological shells.

This is not for no reason if Jesus said we'll not enter the Kingdom of God until we retrieve the little child we once were. The Kingdom of God is the 'INFINITY' quality of Reality, or BEING in us, and the child before being disconnected from Reality by pains too big to be consciously encountered, is this INFINITE ISness.

This is why we may well teach the child grammar and mathematics but what the child has to teach us is INFINITELY greater. Because of all this I personally campaign for the psychological protection of the fetus and the child since this will protect everyone and everything else.

And the greatest threat to the child's sensorial window and his/her sanity is the grown ups' unconscious disconnection from Reality inside them. Indeed, when a child grows surrounded by mirrors hoovering above Reality's ground, at one moment s(he) has to abandon his/her inner Reality on the road of life.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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