Since Kyoto Protocol in 1997, scientists are repeatedly warning us that our CO2 emissions are feeding Global Warming and that we should drastically reduce them. Unfortunately, year after year, these emissions never stopped growing. The United States, the main producer of CO2 emissions for decades, dragged its feet until today and now it is the turn of China and then India and then the rest of the world, claiming their right to pollute Nature like we did before them. The problem is now we have zero time left.

The truth is we are like a fly caught into a honey pot but here it is Oil into which we're glued and from which we cannot find the necessary strength to extract ourselves. But why can't we really ? The biggest disease that plagues Humankind is "identification with thoughts". Yet, in Reality we are not our thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's indivisible and limitfree essence.
Animals do not pollute Nature because they are still consciously one with BEING or Reality in them and therefore still part of the Web of Reality. We are psychologically disconnected from this Web by pains too big to be consciously encountered that linger in us since even before birth. Running away from these pains which pollute our Real self we hide in a fake and cognitive self made of thoughts with which we identify.

This thought-self has created a dream, a virtual world, whose primary, and unconscious, function is to keep hidden these unresolved pains that live on in us. And feeding this dream is so important for us that we blindly authorize ourselves destroying the Web of Reality just to nourish this illusion. This is how we came to the point of destroying Nature at a planetary scale and fossil fuels are but one among the different poisonous and destructive drugs we use to keep this lethal dream active. We cannot abandon our dream no more than a fly can drag itself out of the honey pot into which it fell.

Bye-bye little fly ?

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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