I heard you at Lima Climate Conference Mr. John Kerry. Indeed, if we do not act now, and drastically reduce our CO2 emissions, we'll be responsible for the planetary disaster to comme soon. This is why, in consequence, we must block the rise of the global temperature to 2° degrees, and this at any price.

The IPCC warned us that as to achieve this goal we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50 % of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020. And we know well the IPCC chooses to call for the lowest possible reduction among the different scenarios as to be sure to be accepted by the different political and industrial leaders. Indeed, these latter are blind like moles that would be guided only by the smell of money and transforming the world into a marketplace where everything can be sold even humans' souls..

Therefore the solution is certainely not to lower the Oil price. On the contrary you must rise this price and deduct a percentage that'll go for the nuclear and alternative energies and that can be controlled by the U.N. (UNEP) for instance. Indeed why wouldn't we give the now shallow United Nations a real power and a real independance from the masonic countries and mainly from the United States ?

The United States which, as to remain the leading country in the world, controls the military sphere with 50% of the world military budget, which controls the economy sphere, notably through the Trilateral Commission and its masonic and stealthy ramifications, which controls the communication sphere notably with the Internet which was created by the US Department of Defense and is now exploited by the NSA, which control the people minds through the indoctrination spread by the western Media, the United States I say, must also be the leading country in the ecological sphere, and first of all close all its Shale Oil & Gas wells that not only increase the CO2 emissions and are not worth a leading country facing the Global Warming danger that lurks, but also disfigure the Sacred Land of the Native Americans which since the Settlers' time is still squatted by the United States.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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