The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons says the Bible. Decoded this means that the simple fact the parents are full of unresolved pains, screening the Light of BEING in them, is enough to cause in the child similar pains, too big to be consciously encountered, which will also screen the Light of BEING in his/her depth. Indeed, the child is a messenger of INFINITY sent to our world with the Light of the true knowledge. But when people around are but obstructed windows, not opening anymore upon INFINITY inside them but rather upon their own cognitive and limiting blindness, this limit is imprinted deep in the child and veils the INFINITY quality of his/her own conscious window. The child is vulnerable and unable to resist the massive ignorance of the adults' world, s(he) has no choice but surrender. This is why unresolved pains are utterly contagious and so is the screen of identification with thoughts they generate.

The Nativity Feast celebrates a child who came to the world totally free from unresolved pains, unscreened inside and beaming the Light of BEING all around. BEING in us is Reality's INFINITE ISness which Jesus calls the Kingdom of God. The Good News of the Gospel is that we can retrieve and unveil the Light of BEING in us too, and this no matter how badly we were psychologically injured at birth and later in life.

"I must proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other cities since this is for this very purpose I was sent". (Luke, 4:43).

"You won't be able to say: 'here it is or it's over there' for the Kingdom of God is already within you". (Luke, 17:21).

"And he said: 'truly I tell you, unless you change and retrieve the little child you once were, you will never enter the Kingdom of God". Matt. 18:3).

Yes, this is the unveiled child in us that should be celebrated at Christmas through the baby Jesus. Yet, instead, in a 180° turn, we transformed this very special celebration of BEING in us into its negation: the celebration of identification with thoughts generated by these unresolved pains which hide BEING in us. And we feed and reward this identification with thoughts with a lot of presents and spangles. Billions of dollar are spent every year for Christmas which has become a mere materialistic industry. And this only to feed our thought-identity, the exact opposite of what the celebration initially meant.

This only shows how identification with thoughts recycles everything as to feed its own disconnected, fallacious and lethal structure that transforms us into the true Aliens on EARTH..

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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