The excess of energy generated in us by pains too big to be consciously encountered by the vulnerable child, may reappear later in life and overflow in the shape of hatred and violence. Normally education and culture dyke these noxious and neurotic feelings and repress them in our limbic depth, but sometimes they are allowed, or even encouraged to surface, by the social controlling authority. Nazism channelled this hatred and directed it against the Jews. Islam allows and directs this hatred against the infidels and in a certain way today the Masonic power in France and its Mediatic megaphone allow and even encourage the hatred against Nicolas Sarkozy to flow freely. Indeed, this ex-President has become a kind of scapegoat charged with all the evil of the world, and I was amazed when speaking with French people to see that a lot of them hate Sarkozy while not even knowing why ! This is the result of a very sophisticated indoctrination spread by the Masonic sect which controls the country and doesn't want Sarkozy to come back to power for international reasons. These are just examples that show how global is the phenomenon and how easy it is to manipulate people's minds when we allow the pressure of their unresolved pains to surface and leave them as hatred and violence. We realize that nearly everybody can become a criminal under certain conditions. The Milgram Experiment (1961-1963) also shows to which extent the authority may lead people to do just anything one can imagine, even the worst. This is why identification with thoughts, which is generated by these pains too big to be consciously encountered, is utterly dangerous and can easily lead to abuse, violence, conflicts, slaughters and wars. And this, as soon as we think God (or the authority) is on our side and allows us to hate and destroy His/its enemies, or allows us to behave in any deviant way. Only the return to BEING in us can pacify the latent monster of identification with thoughts and defuse the energy of the unresolved pains that, from underneath, generate this identification.


Identifying with any thought program encloses you while just OBSERVING the situation as a whole liberates you on the spot. The no-thing EYE in you OBSERVES whatever "IS" in the Present Instant including your thoughts, feelings and sensations, whenever they come to cross the vacuum of your conscious space. Let Reality unfold and express itself freely and no matter how it manifests itself remain the OBSERVER. Just OBSERVE everything and BE the ISness of Reality in you. BE. Just as a matter of fact, to BE and to OBSERVE are the very same thing.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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