When we live our life through identification with thoughts, because thoughts are based upon memories and therefore upon the past and the known in us, everything gets a color of déjà vu, of dull routine and boredom we call "me", that turns in loops like a broken record in our head. This explains why we spend thousands of billion dollar every year on planet EARTH to extract ourselves from this boredom through "distractions", entertainment of many kinds but also a vast variety of different drugs like: alcohol, chemical drugs, illegal and legal, and also sex, religion, food, power, TV, social networks, computergames, etc.

As we return to BEING in us, which is Reality's bottomless essence, we find everything is illuminated from inside with the Light of an INFINITE consciousness which is the unique essence to the whole universe. There, and no matter where we stand, everything is always new and holds a profound JOY that only belongs to BEING in us and is independant from the external situations.
Our life is not anymore only our little life but it is LIFE itself and it is filled with a perfection that reveals and emphasizes the amazingly complex details, forms, sounds and colors, that goes down 'til molecules, atoms and particules and up to the big whole and its countless galaxies: INFINITY's "ISness" is pure consciousness and it is everything there is, including you ! Therefore when you stop being hypnotized by the limited and boring patterns of your thoughts' screen and when you come back to BEING in you, there you ARE, in the middle of this huge gathering, sharing, BEING and its INFINITE essence with the rest of the universe.

What is good with INFINITY is, no matter where you stand, you're always at its very center. Nothing and no one is left aside and you're always the most special guest to INFINITY's party and this, even if you're just a mosquito, a bacteria or a particle of matter. The "ISness" of the INFINITE consciousness is shared by everything and everyone.

By returning to BEING in you, from a mere human isolated into the bubble of identification with the virtuality of thoughts, you become a human BEING, experiencing Reality's boundlessness at the always renewed tip of the Present Instant. Here, there and everywhere, no matter where you go, you remain the "ISness" of Reality and experience its INFINITE depth which is pure consciousness. Congratulation, you've reached the other side of the tumultuous river of the worldly existence and won over its dangerously hypnotic flow ! You're a survivor.

Returning to BEING in us is the first step for a true civilization. As long as we are identified with the smoke of our thoughts in our heads, no matter how grandiose and pompous the thought-systems we may elaborate and the technologies we may engineer, the civilization we build is but a mere pretence that spreads it chaos like the snake spits its poison. And the Transcendance pursued through the Singularity project by our almighty geeks at Silicon Valey or elsewhere, will only enhance our conflictual confusion. A civilization organized and controlled by machines will only increase our disconnection from Reality and strengthen the kingdom of identification with thoughts and its virtuality.
The 21st century has little chance to evade our insanity and destructiveness. The main problem is, all our efforts are made from within the blind horizon of identification with thoughts which is the very agent for disconnection from Reality and therefore for its destruction.

Of course, we make a lot of efforts to be the "good guys" we pretend to be, but since we are disconnected from Reality in us our efforts remain vain when not totally lethal. Indeed, this is the so-called well adjusted people, covered with academic awards and honors, who, in the name of 'serious matters', still destroy our world with their 'profit calculations', their "necessary" CO2 emissions that only smell good to the Oil lobbies, and their endless wars that boost the weapon industries and aim at changing the balance of power. All this so-called 'rational' stuff for which they countlessly spend thoudands of billion dollar every year, while refusing the needed financial efforts to save our planet.
Yes, sure, no doubt: identification with thoughts is pure madness. Sorry guys but I must tell you the truth even though, I know, you don't like to hear it.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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