Hatha Yoga should not be considered a lower Yoga simply because it only deals with the body. 

In fact Hatha Yoga is all you need on the spiritual path if you understand its purpose rightly, and do not use it only for physical well being and comfort. 

Gradually Hatha Yoga removes your attention from your thinking mind and brings it to your body which "IS" a doorway into Reality. Our body, when experienced from inside, brings us back directly to BEING in us which is the ISness of Reality because this ISness is INFINITE, 

Of course a lot of people identified with thoughts practice Hatha Yoga as to empower this fake identity and get a good health, and there, this Yoga remains a kind of sport and misses its true goal. Materialism is a kind of disconnected and blind faith for people identified with thoughts who claim to be "modern". 

It is this blind faith which, notably and among other things, generated the 6th Mass-Extinction of LIFE on Earth. 

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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