The IPCC warned us in its latest report, that we should bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, if we want to keep our planet within the 2° degrees. And the IPCC bases this prevision on the most optimistic scenario. Indeed, during the last decades, the scientists forcasts about Global Warming have been constantly revised upwards. The cascading effet is pretty uncertain and, for instance, we don't know the exact impact of CH4 emissions through the warming of the oceans and the melting of the permafrost.

Lima Conference on Climate ends with ridiculous and criminal decisions about CO2 reduction: Reducing CO2 emissions from 40% by 2050 is just nonsense. You can no more haggle over with Global Warming that, for instance, you can haggle over with a fire that transforms your house in a furnace. You cannot say to the blaze: "stop, wait 20 minutes until the firemen arrive". The United States found $ 3000 billion just for Iraq war launched without the United Nations authorization and which served plunging the Middle East into a chaos that a decade later still reverberates and widens, but the world cannot find the necessary financing for the CO2 reduction ?? That's just crazy.

We live in a Mad, Mad, Mad World (MMMW). Mad and criminal, since this political circus will, in time, kill one thousand times more people than all the terrorists of all times put together. This is our political leaders that should be jailed at Guantanamo since they are the worst killers. Already five million people die from CO2 emissions every year, a holocaust nobody even mentions !

The People of the EARTH must stand for its planet and this beyond the barriers posed by the nations' sovereignty which have turned totally toxic facing Global Warming. Indeed, these barriers prevent us taking the necessary steps to merely survive on EARTH, the only HOME we have and share in the vast universe.

Yet, the divisions and conflicts we pour onto our world start in a child's brain violated by pains too big to be consciously encountered. These unresolved pains expell us from our inner Reality into a fake self made of thoughts with which we identify. And this is where lays our great predicament.

People Don't Know Their True Power
Indeed, this is where all our divisions and conflicts find their origin. As Arne Naess showed, our world is not a collection of isolated objects but a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent. Even deeper, the quantum physics demonstrates that Reality's essence is one and INFINITE. And we know INFINITY is everything there is, I mean, nothing remains outside of it.

Fortunately, we are not our thoughts and even less the thought-systems they build like ideologies and religions. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's conscious ISness we share with the rest of the universe. Thoughts cannot bring us the solution only the return to BEING in us can do the job. You are a human BEING not a human thought, and even less a robot. Therefore, if you are suicidal and don't care about your own LIFE, then do not become a criminal and stand for the LIFE of your children.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi

Wake up friends.

Click Here For Report Of New cO2 Report 2014
Click Here For A Lower-Cost Option for Substantial CO2 Emission Reductions
Click Here For Democracy Changes The Real Power In Us,We Are Responsible For This Tragedy

ThankYou , This Article Uncompleted I hope You Complete This . I need More warrior .

  Sushil Singh
 Planet Care pvt ltd.


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