
Showing posts from August 21, 2014


We live in a world made of forms which themselves are made of limits. We are surrounded by limits and our bodies are made of limits. And eventually we are identified with our thoughts also made of limits. In these conditions it is rather difficult for us to realize INFINITY which, nonetheless is Reality's very essence or BEING in us. Usually we miss noticing BEING in us because we expect its substance to be material while it is pure consciousness. Not only BEING's substance is conscious stuff but since it is Reality's essence it is also INFINITE and transcends all the limits through which, nonetheless, it expresses itself. In order to experience and realize INFINITY, choose to remain empty as an alternative to the desire of being filled. This will stop the fight that blinds you and will bring you the necessary PEACE for your inner vision to open up to INFINITY. It'll allow you to contemplate what you ARE instead of running after what you are not. It'll keep you in


Terrorists are expressing a deep disconnection from LIFE and from sanity. Yet, today, thousands of Western young people are contaminated with this madness and the phenomenon is growing everywhere. Maybe the Western Society should question its own functioning too. Our society is based upon identification with thoughts while we ARE not our thoughts but BEING in us. This cognitive fakeness we embrace is induced by pains too big to be consciously encountered and it makes us hoovering above Reality's ground, abusing Reality's expressions, including our own children, including the whole of Nature we destroy at a fast pace and at a planetary scale. These unresolved and unconscious pains remain in us like sea-mines that forbid access to our depth and therefore to BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE essence. BEING's INFINITY quality in us holds the wisdom we're so cruelly lacking today. Terrorism is but one outcome for these unresolved pains and this lack of INFINITY


Time is the transformation of Space that occurs into the context of the unique and timeless Present Instant. As to check what I say, try to catch the Instant right when it turns into the next one, you'll see this never happens. Or said differently, try to find the border between two assumed instants, you'll find no border. The Present Instant has no end. The Present Instant transforms itself so fast that the length of its period goes to Zero, which is INFINITY's doorway, and so it punches a hole into our cognitive fragmented relativity. Just like 24 images per second gives a movie its natural movement, the Zero length of the Present Instant's tip installs us into INFINITY's conscious essence beyond thoughts. We live in a perpetually changing world and we better not resist this change but flow with it at its natural pace. When we are identified with our thoughts, since they are limited constructions they cognitively provide for the illusion of a succession of insta


FOR THE WORLD TO CALM DOWN I will never say it enough, our Real problem, on this poor planet we blithely destroy, is identification with our thoughts. Indeed, in Reality we ARE not our thoughts. In Reality what we ARE is BEING within us. By identifying with our thoughts we cognitively disconnect from Reality in us, and since Reality is not divisible, we disconnect from Reality around us too. When identified with our thoughts each of us invent his/her own "personal and fake reality", which of course is totally unreal, and then as to protect our "unreal and fake interests" we fight each other, removed behind our unreal and cognitive shield we mistake for who we Really ARE, and to which we desperately cling as if it was a matter of life and death. In fact the early traumas, too big to be consciously encountered by the child, were a matter of life and death in the beginning of our lives. This is why they exiled us into identification with thought


PEOPLE'S CRIMES ... People are embracing ideologies and religions hoping they will right their behavior and save them. Yet, what we see is the Muslims commit as much crimes in the name of Islam as the Masons commit crimes in the name of Human Rights and Democracy. The problem is the Muslims see the crimes committed by the Masons and the Masons see the crimes committed by the Muslims, but neither the Muslims nor the Masons see their own crimes. Jesus said in Matt. 7:5: "Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye". This phrase is fundamental for Humankind today. Instead of blaming each other for crimes committed by everybody in fact, humans should better investigate as to discover why are we so criminal ? Why can't we stop abusing each other ? Our wrong behavior might invite police which might not be right either. The answer to this predicament is both psychological and s


THE RULE OF FORCE IS MADNESS. When the child is intruded with pains too big to be consciously encountered, his/her Real self, polluted with these pains, sinks with them in the oblivion and s(he) finds shelter in a fake self, made of thoughts with which s(he) identifies. In the process of identification with thoughts and their limits, we lose access to BEING in us and its INFINITY. In vain, we try substituting HAVING for BEING, but this is an endless job and also the basis for materialism. As strange as it may appear to you, materiality is virtual stuff and Reality's essence is pure consciousness, or Spirit. Since the second revolution of the Neolithic called by some specialists the Male Revolution, the HAVING mode leads a kind of race into which the most successful person is not the most spiritual or merciful among us but the one imposing his yoke upon others with the greatest strength, no matter if it is through cruel or even barbaric means. The rule of force is imposed


A NEW JOB FOR NASA. It has become totally clear that Humankind is provoking Global Warming and Climate Change, the worst catastrophy ever. Now what is important to learn is why the human BEING which is the most intelligent creature among the animal realm is also the only one destroying Nature at a planetary scale. Is our great intelligence the cause ? No, our destructiveness comes from the fact we are identified with our thoughts and therefore are disconnected from Reality in us. Identification with thoughts is induced by pains too big to be consciously encountered that pollute our Real self. These pains are imprinted in us during the perinatal period as well as in the young infancy. Our violence towards Nature as well as towards each other comes from these unresolved and unconscious traumas trapped in us which energy can be triggered by external events and acted out as violence, brutality and indifference. NASA must develop an adequate branch to deal with our cognitive disorders w