We live in a world made of forms which themselves are made of limits. We are surrounded by limits and our bodies are made of limits. And eventually we are identified with our thoughts also made of limits. In these conditions it is rather difficult for us to realize INFINITY which, nonetheless is Reality's very essence or BEING in us.

Usually we miss noticing BEING in us because we expect its substance to be material while it is pure consciousness. Not only BEING's substance is conscious stuff but since it is Reality's essence it is also INFINITE and transcends all the limits through which, nonetheless, it expresses itself.

In order to experience and realize INFINITY, choose to remain empty as an alternative to the desire of being filled. This will stop the fight that blinds you and will bring you the necessary PEACE for your inner vision to open up to INFINITY. It'll allow you to contemplate what you ARE instead of running after what you are not. It'll keep you in the world of Reality, with your two feet on INFINITY's ground, and not hoovering away on the wings of illusion and hope.

Feel the burning lack in you and make it the center of your meditation, it'll dig into your cognitive clouds 'til you reach the inner SUN of INFINITY which will fill all your lacks. Only when you find this SUN, will you realize it is everything, everywhere, everyone. Accept the PAIN that may dwell in you as your dearest teacher. When you'll learn how to tame what you dislike and remain present to Reality's conscious essence, you'll transform the dragon into a docile cow that'll take you back home, making appear the LIGHT of INFINITY just everywhere. This trancendental LIGHT will fill you with LOVE which is Reality's very nature. Trust this LOVE since even if you're still blind to its LIGHT it is already there and composes the universe.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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