People are embracing ideologies and religions hoping they will right their behavior and save them. Yet, what we see is the Muslims commit as much crimes in the name of Islam as the Masons commit crimes in the name of Human Rights and Democracy.

The problem is the Muslims see the crimes committed by the Masons and the Masons see the crimes committed by the Muslims, but neither the Muslims nor the Masons see their own crimes.

Jesus said in Matt. 7:5: "Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye". This phrase is fundamental for Humankind today.

Instead of blaming each other for crimes committed by everybody in fact, humans should better investigate as to discover why are we so criminal ? Why can't we stop abusing each other ? Our wrong behavior might invite police which might not be right either.

The answer to this predicament is both psychological and spiritual. Not religious, spiritual. When the child is intruded with pains too big to be consciously encountered s(he) finds shelter in a fake self made of thoughts with which s(he) identifies.

The problem is double here. First, the unresolved pains have not left us, they are just buried in us like sea-mines still ready to blow up at any stimulus. Secondly, we are not our thoughts but BEING in us and therefore since our thought identity is disconnected from BEING in us or Reality's essence, it is a shaky identity that needs to be consolidated. The function of ideologies and religions is precisely to consolidate our thought identity.

While our thought identity is already a kind of armor protecting us from our unresolved pains, an ideology or a religion is like a double and exo-armor protecting our thought identity which is the first and underneath armor.

In the name of Islam the terrorists are killing people in a way they wouldn't dare otherwise, and in the name of Democracy and Human Rights, the Masons meddle in other countries affairs, creating tens of thousands deaths, notably through the National Endowment for Democracy that organizes and finances revolts as to remove the regimes that do not fit with Masons interests. This is the case in Syria, in Ukraine and other places in the world. And I'm not talking here about the ferocious repression and the horrendous abuses already committed by the Medieval Inquisition (1184 - 1230) in the name of Jesus' LOVE message.

As I said we are not our thoughts but BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE essence. The return to BEING and its INFINITY quality reintegrates us into Reality's INFINITY and prevents us hurting the various forms Reality takes on.

Jesus said in Matt. 5:48: "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect".

This command is not an image or a parable but it is rather used in a literal sense. This is only INFINITY which is perfect and since Reality essence is INFINITE it is everything there "IS" including us. And we ARE this INFINITY when we retrieve BEING in us. The Buddha was called the Perfect because he had retrieved BEING and its INFINITY quality which is perfect.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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