One among my friends told me we cannot save our planet because it is too late and Fukushima events are the evidence it is too late (!?) Sorry but this just doesn’t make sense and I must answer this nonsense which
was written on my page.

Some of the people identified with thoughts say it is too late to save the Earth. I ask these people if their child was stuck in a house on fire, would they say, “oh it is too late, I continue my fight with my neighbor who
trespassed my garden’s wall” ! Really ? Wouldn’t they brave the flames to save their child anyway ? Just saying “oh it is too late to save the Earth” shows these guys are disconnected from Reality and disconnected from
their heart and their intelligence as well. And when they argue Fukushima to justify their lack of will to save the Earth they show how they are indoctrinated by the Oil Lobbies. Indeed, in Fukushima there was no death
by radiation, zero, and no forcast shows that people will die by radiation in the future. The only people who died were killed by the tsunami’s wave and this has absolutely nothing to do with the requirement to
immediately change our way of life right now. People locked up into their thought-identity and disconnected from BEING in them are the people we must awaken and a tsunami has nothing to do with that. My role is to
call for what is our first requirement and not follow the generalized madness. The truth is, in the mad confrontation of countries against countries, and while this confrontation is swallowing always more people identified
with thoughts in a generalized chaos, there is no good guys on the one hand and bad guys on the other but only a bunch of mad people animated by hatred who literally love confrontation and who, as to be able to
pursue their favorite “sport” which consists in indulging into criminal wars, decide, we are the good ones and they are the bad ones. Yet, facing the destruction of our planet there is not good guys and bad ones, but only
humans who must not be rendered stupid, furious and crazy by the non access to BEING in them.


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