Our thought-identity grows as a shelter against what the child couldn't consciously encounter. To be identified with our thoughts is therefore a defensive reflex, chemically implemented through inhibiting neurotransmitters, which with time and the repetition of disagreeable experiences becomes a habit first and then a way of life.
Humankind has based on this disconnected way of life its flawed vision of the world. To the point that now we have difficulty getting out of our cognitive lair and the illusory security it offers. I say illusory security because if we are now fueling Global Warming while we perfectly know about its terrible consequences, it is because we are enclosed into our cognitive fabrication.
Our thoughts have woven a kind of network-program based upon our memories and which constitutes our supposed identity as well as our supposed interests, occupations, choices and agenda, all this, tightly entangled with the society's expectations, if not requirements, which are no less artificial.
This fake self or cognitive network-program, based upon the known of our memories, constitutes a kind of jail, withdrawn from Reality's ISness or BEING in us. This kind of jail from which we just cannot get out makes of all our pretences of freedom a pathetic lie. True freedom starts when we manage abandoning our thought-identity and when we retrieve BEING in us which is the unique, limitfree and conscious ground of Reality.
There, when we are just OBSERVING the unfolding of the constantly renewed Present Instant, we experience again the innocence the child still knew and the so-called adult has lost. This innocence is not gone away, it is still there, covered with the mantle of our thought-identity and awaiting for us to abandon this blind and cognitive horizon we call "me". Through this unveiling we step into the unknown of Reality's enchantment.
Our fake world made of calculations and arrangements, removed from BEING and therefore from Reality's INFINITE ISness, destroys Nature at a planetary scale in full knowledge and this because its suits our thought-identity's interests. The keys of Humankind salvation have been given not to a group of wise people but to people like Mr. DOnald Trump ! This so-called "democratic" choice shows how pathologically disturbed we are.


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