
Showing posts from 2017


Compared to the realm of matter which is made of forms and limits, consciousness or spirit, which has no form, no size and no limits, can be perceived as a pure void. Yet, since this conscious void is limitfree, it is INFINITY itself and it is therefore everything that actually IS.  For one moment retrieve this limitfree consciousness which is BEING in you and is therefore Reality’s ISness, and just forget the human form you embody for the time being and the load of worries your thoughts vehiculate. Just consciously BE and OBSERVE the Present Instant. If you do so, you’ll experience a deep PEACE inherent to the unity of INFINITY that is Reality’s ISness. Then, after a while, come back from this INFINITE essence to your body and assume the present sequence of existence as it is given to you for now, and accept what IS, just because it IS. Of course you can always compare your present situation to better ones but that takes you away from BEING in you and it’s INFINITE depth


The MIT demiurge Norbert Wienner warned us that there is a dark side to Cybernetics. The Internet which was offered “freely” to the world was sponsored and engineered by the DARPA / Pentagon which only mission is to provide the U.S. Army with new and advanced weapons. The DARPA also engineered the famous NSA which as revealed by Edward Snowden is spying over populations’ privacy as to better control and harness them.  Today, the world praises the robots and some “smart” people even want to deliver them ID Cards, passports, health certificate, etc. But we must remember that a robot is first of all a lifeless computer that just mimics LIFE. Yes, a lifeless computer, and like any computer it can be pirated and fiddled by people we do not know and who are not always friendly. Of course this is not solely the governments that can use computers as to spy over you, control you or send your car out of the road for instance. More and more independent hackers can do the job and these guys pr


Go to Tibet Ride a camel. Read the bible. Dye your shoes  blue. Grow a beard. Circle the world in a paper canoe. Subscribe to  The Saturday Evening Post . Chew on the left side of your mouth only. Marry a woman with one leg and shave with a straight razor. And carve your name in her arm. Brush your teeth with gasoline. Sleep all day and climb trees at night. Be a monk and drink buckshot and beer. Hold your head under water and play the violin. Do a belly dance before pink candles. Kill your dog. Run for mayor. Live in a barrel. Break your head with a hatchet. Plant tulips in the rain. But don’t write poetry.


The People of the Earth's patience with the criminal Freemasons at the helm of the United States and the European Union is over.  The People of the Earth must engage in an organizing planetary movement that'll free us from the seizure of the manevolent Freemasons who are manipulating our minds with their medianetworks, intimidating us with their enormous military budgets and meddling in our countries affairs through their Intel agencies NSA, CIA, and other NED, NATO, etc. It is in our hands to gather together as not to let these rascal Freemasons to dictate our destiny. If we remain separate countries these criminal Freemasons will gobble us one by one. This is why we must gather together as to prevent these abusive criminals to take this opportunity to subject us to their twisted and perverse rule. Otherwise how can we complain if we do nothing to escape this modern slavery ? Unity is strength


Reality's ISness which is BEING in us, is an INFINITE, sizeless and timeless consciousness often called spirit. That's all we have to know. Everything indeed, even the forms we consider the most trivial, are made of INFINITY as their very fabric.  This is why we must consider the world as totally sacred and respect it as such.  The path consists in remaining at the tip of the always renewed Present Instant where the veil of our thought-identity falls and we ARE this INFINITE consciousness or spirit. Materialism is but an illusion that consists in only considering the forms Reality assumes and remaining blind to its ISness which as we said is an INFINITE consciousness. Indeed, there is only one Reality because it is INFINITE in essence. This means that when we reach Reality in us, we reach INFINITY which is pure consciousness or spirit and which is LOVE. And remember that LOVE always contains what is not LOVE within itself. When you succeed surfing the wave of the P


Our thought-identity grows as a shelter against what the child couldn't consciously encounter. To be identified with our thoughts is therefore a defensive reflex, chemically implemented through inhibiting neurotransmitters, which with time and the repetition of disagreeable experiences becomes a habit first and then a way of life. Humankind has based on this disconnected way of life its flawed vision of the world. To the point that now we have difficulty getting out of our cognitive lair and the illusory security it offers. I say illusory security because if we are now fueling Global Warming while we perfectly know about its terrible consequences, it is because we are enclosed into our cognitive fabrication. Our thoughts have woven a kind of network-program based upon our memories and which constitutes our supposed identity as well as our supposed interests, occupations, choices and agenda, all this, tightly entangled with the society's expectations, if not requirement


The IPCC report finds that developed countries must reduce their emissions by 50 percent below levels of the year 1990 and this by 2020 if we are to have a medium chance of limiting warming to 2°C, thus preventing some of climate change’s worst impacts.  So, let's stop clouding the issue and let's recognize there is no chance for us to remain within the 2 degrees. Yet, the big industries, Oil & Weapons, want to continue filling their pockets in full tranquility and because they control the politics and the medianetworks the fact that we have missed the window for the 2 degrees is kept silent. This manipulation is utterly criminal because it goes against Humankind's very survival on this planet. The masses are kept in limbo, ignoring the facts that are truly threatening them.


"They keep you doped with religion, and sex, and T.V. And you think you're so clever and classless and free. But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see". (John Lennon). What has created the monster 'Global Warming' and brought our global community to the brink of precipice is our identification with thoughts which disconnects us from Reality's ISness or BEING in us, and encloses us into a kind of cognitive capsule dividing us and generating egoism and conflict. For a long period of time the walls of nations which are an externalization of the inner cognitive walls of our thought-identity, were a protection for the different and clearly separated communities aggresing each other time to time. But with the progressing Globalization and the inter-penetration of the different communities, the national sovereignties and their walls conflict with the unifying tendency of Globalization. And now we are witnessing the raise of drawbridges a


Can you live your life from the depth of Reality's ISness in you ? Said differently can you retrieve BEING in you ? This is the question of which all the rest is subsequent. Thank you


Global Warning is the result of the greed of those among us who have interest in selling fossil fuels. Oil industry generates huge money and those who benefitiate these interests do not want to reduce them. In 1968, the Stanford Research Institute warned both the American Petroleum Institute and the US government, that Oil and its CO2 would trigger a cataclysmic upheaval at a planetary scale if nothing was done in time. Not only these guys kept hidden this information but in full knowledge they financed with billions of dollars a worldwide campaign to deny a man made Global Warming was underway. In 1997, the US government based on this criminal campaign its refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Today, these same criminal abusers calculated that renewable energies alone would take much more time to reduce the global CO2 emissions than if, as James Lovelock invited us, we would massively use nuclear energy. The problem here is we do not have any time left to wait. Indeed, the IPCC warn