When you see two people fighting each other on the street, will you take this opportunity to sell them weapons ? Well, this is what countries producing weapons do anyway. Every year around $45-60 billion worth of arms sales are agreed in the world, and most of these sales (something like 75%) are done by developing countries. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, Russia, France, United Kingdom and China), together with Germany and Italy account for around 85% of the arms sold between 2004 and 2011. In recent years, global military expenditure has increased and reached levels comparable to those of Cold War. Data shows global military spending at over $1400 billion in 2012 and because these last years the countries of the Global Fraternal Network are on the one hand feeding the conflicts of the Middle East as to create what Condoleezza Rice called the "New Middle East, and on the other hand are harassing both Russia and China, the world community is engaged in an unprecedented arm race. The highest military spender is the US accounting for the half of the world’s spending, more than the rest of the G7 combined with all its potential enemies. Saudi Arabia which, as Joe Biden said, armed the ISIS with thousands of tons of weapons, has broken into the world’s top three defense spenders in the military realm, even surpassing Russia. Most of the time, corruption accompanies arms sales due to the large sums of money involved. Selling weapons, which, let's not forget, are only made to kill humans, is one of the most lucrative business on planet Earth !
We should not forget the beautiful words of the Former U.S. President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, in a speech on April 16, 1953, where he said: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed".
In a globalized world the question that must be asked is: can we continue spending every year thousands of billion dollars at killing each other while we do not find 100 billion dollars a year to answer Global Warming which will wipe all of us alike if we do nothing ? Are we truly that much stupid ?


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