Our Neighbor ? PROXIMA B

Scientists have found a possibly habitable planet, Proxima B, which stands 4.22 light-years away from Earth. This mearns it would take some 165 000 years to go there. Nonetheless, the world intellectuals and medianetworks are thrilled and in effervescence, as if they suddenly got a glimpse of solution to the predicament we create for ourselves.

While habitable planets are so scarce in the universe we have the chance to live on one of them ! But because we are identified with your thoughts and therefore disconnected from Reality - since what we ARE in Reality is BEING in us - then we cannot prevent spreading destruction, killing each other en masse and falsifying Nature at a planetary scale.

To the point we're endangering our own survival as a species just like the Dinosaurs' survival was compromised by an asteroid some 65 million years ago. What we should realized is Reality's ISness - which is BEING in us - possesses an INFINITY quality and therefore offers a holistic perspective that changes our whole approach to ourself and the world, when we retrieve BEING in us.
There, we are reintegrated into Nature and its ecosystems, and this, from BEING within us. Since then on, we stop being destructive for ourselves and for our environment. This holistic experience, proper to BEING, was proposed by serious people like Jesus, the Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Krishna, and many other utterly respectable instructors who were much more trustable than your disconnected so-called Humanists imposing their vision to the world thanks to the coercion, repression and violence imposed by their deadly weapons.

The solution to our problems cannot be found in what our thoughts may imagine and propose but by just retrieving BEING in us. Before you reject what I say, try it and you'll see for yourself.


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