When we enter our bathroom, look at ourself in the mirror and start brushing our teeth, this situation occurs in the here & now and therefore is perfectly new. It should be experienced as a pure and enchanting discovery. Yet, because of the hundreds of times we entered the same bathroom, behaving in the same way and having nearly the same movements, we lost the magical newness of the Present Instant and our thinking mind covers the newness and uniqueness of the moment with the memory-cloak of the known which is composed of the many other similar situations imprinted in our psyche.
Even though it doesn't seem, this "knownification" or rusting of the Present Instant is a deadening defensive mechanism that hides the light of BEING in us. Indeed, since Reality's ISness is INFINITE, and therefore nonlocal and timeless, all the different situations of our life share this timeless and INFINITE ground. This includes the experiences too painful to be consciously met that linger incognito in us. This is why as to avoid encountering these unresolved pains our organism in its great wisdom expells us from Reality's ground which could reveal what we are not ready to meet, and enclose us in a fake self, made of thoughts with which we identify: we have been transformed into the known that covers and hides the new.
Living in the known of our thought-identity is necessary if we want to keep repressed in us experiences which were too painful to be consciously met by the vulnerable child. The knownification we experienced in our bathroom occurs all the time and in nearly all the situations of our everyday life. The truth is we are prisoners of the known. The enchantment of discovery and its natural thrill are lost and our life becomes a dull and repeating boredom. This is then that we start postponing our hope for a better life in some future times, maybe some kind of Paradise promised by a thought-God or the Progress proposed by materialism ?
But meanwhile we shoot ourself with all the stimuli, evasions, distractions, drug addictions of many types, and of course all the strange sexual perversions which our Consumer Society in its great compassion graciously provides for us .. of course if we pay the price. In fact, just like for Pinocchio in the Pleasure Island, the price is very heavy, this is our whole planet which now is going up in smoke ! Better retrieve the Real again ! So, we look after the Blue Fairy of Reality's INFINITE ISness, who's right beneath this dreadful and dark illusion


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