A Kid An Excessive Amount Of HURT with Unresolved Pain

The truth is one because its essence is INFINITE, and INFINITY is everything there IS. Yet, they're but words if INFINITY is everything there's, you have to are able to has it as what we ARE, right ? For this to happen we've got to first experience everything were since even as we said, INFINITY just isn't divisible.

Unfortunately you will find experiences at the beginning of our life which magnitude was much too big being consciously met with the child and that we automatically withdrew like one pulls away his/her hand from the burning stove. Yet, since The truth is INFINITE it's not divisible and not one iota can removed from it without losing the complete of computer.

This means that once we become unconscious with an experience which is too painful, we lose the entire of Reality and enclose ourself inside a fake, virtual, and cognitive self, made from thoughts in which we identify. System is forms and like all other styles they are made from limits which render them blind to the INFINITY of Reality's ISness or BEING in us.

Subsequently on, the cognitive straitjacket which we identify, and into which we enclose ourself, could be the biggest problem Humankind must solve being while resting. Yet, because identification with thoughts occured so at the beginning of life we don't remember everything else. And also, since everybody around us can also be identified with thoughts, and we don't realize this case is pathological which could and should be abandoned. We take our fake identity for "normal".

For this reason unconscious of our own illness yet functioning in a unsatisfactory realm we invent thought-systems, dogmas, ideologies, both secular or religious, meant to right our situation and save us. However is simply wishful thinking. No thought-system can untrap us from identification with thoughts and reintegrate us into Reality and its particular bissful INFINITE essence. The only method to do so is usually to talk to this portion of us, too hurt to get consciously met by the child, that still linger unresolved inside our depth and which expelled us from Reality.

If we look back to history we have seen that whenever a thought-system pretended to universality it become something repressive and destructive. The Church during Medieval Inquisition spread terror as well as a horrendous repression in the category of Jesus' LOVE-message. Communism that was supposed to save Humankind killed one hundred million people in less than a century, and many other thought-systems that have been supposed to be the best in the world wounded Humankind badly.

Today two thought-systems pretending to universality oppose each other in a deadly battle. The so-called Democratic system certainly where an stealthy elite influence our choices through medianetworks and sophosticated advertisement techniques, and also the so-called Islamic system which uses propaganda and indoctination yet with barbaric methods and violence like a chart. Both of these systems are - today - tearing the other apart along with the violence they spread of their quest for power kills many thousands of innocent people caught involving, and also distracts us from a much greater danger: the world Warming also generated by Humankind through identification with thoughts and its particular disconnected and destructive dream. Yet, with the roots of the lethal quest for power lies a silenced child too weak to stand up to the abuses and blind behavior of an so-called adult world.

Provided that we are identified with our thoughts, no thought-system are able to save us it doesn't matter its pretence.

I dedicate this little text to Alice Miller and her fantastic work for the forgotten child in us.

(*) the highest hurt for a youngster is always to have his/her parents disconnected from Reality by pains too large to be consciously met. It really is felt by the newborn along with the child as a possible incomprehensible isolation a child winds up integrating as self incompetence to talk. Pinterest


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