Global Warming is a frightening occurence which like a cattle of crazy buffalos is furiously running towards us at an accelerating pace. Will we wait until these weather-buffalos trample us underfoot ? Global Warming doesn't know our frontiers and even less our thought-systems and conflictual petty and neurotic interests which are using these thought-systems as a pretence.
 Heatwaves killed several thousands people in 2015, sweet water becomes scarce even in California, poles are melting at a huge speed and according to the NGO Dara, each year CO2 emissions kill some five million people throughout the world. It is scientifically observed that natural disasters become more violent and occur more often year after year.
 Facing this global danger that affects all of us alike, we continue our routine little power quest as well as economical and ideological conflicts which distract us from an organized and common answer to Global Warming which is absolutely necessary. Our neurotic acting outs gobble thousands of billion dollars a year in diverse distractions as well as in weaponery while we do not find a hundred billion dollars a year to answer Global Warming's effetcs.
 Facing our possible extinction as a species or at least the total disruption and dislocation of our civilization, the world should decrete a global state of urgency. Continuing the leisury indolence that keeps us removed in our electro-smoky dreams and our frantic supremacy strategies that only feed a planetary state of conflict will not save us. And neither rejecting the blame upon others will do the job. We are all partners in crime. Insanity, which is an escape from our unresolved early pains, is a luxury we cannot afford anymore. We must become wise and soon


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