The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), was chartered in 1988 under the United Nations in order to provide governments with an assessment of climate science to inform policy decisions about the climate threats facing the world. It was established by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
This is, thousands of scientists from all over the world who have volunteered their time to research, write and review the IPCC's assessments. The process involves years of analyzing tens of thousands of scientific journal articles on topics ranging from sea level rise and glacial melt to past climate shifts.
The conclusions of the IPCC's latest report are rather grim indeed. They says that we must reduce our planetary CO2 emissions by 50% below 1990 level and this before 2020 if we are to have the tiniest chance of limiting warming to 2°C, thus preventing the most devastating climate change’s impacts. Unfortunately our CO2 emissions keep growing year after year non stop. In 2015 they rose of 2.5% above the 2014 level.
Yet, the United States, one of the two biggest polluting countries in terms of carbon release in the atmosphere, has decided to reduce its CO2 emissions of only 17% below 2005 levels by 2020, which is derisory facing the situation to which we are confronted. You don't bargain with the planetary mechanisms Mr. Obama, America cannot be stronger than Nature ! If the most advanced and leading country in the world cannot respect the 2°C necessary limit, what can we really expect from the others ? The problem is Fossil Fuels' lobbies are too big a business to accept to see their profits being reduced. They represent thousands of billion dollars and our political leaders are but puppets obeying these lobbies through, notably, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. This explains why they drag their feet and won't take the necessary decisions in time. This behavior is highly criminal and it'll kill much more people than all the terrorist groups taken together already killed and will kill in the future.
James Lovelock warned us that without fully engaging in a global nuclear powerplant strategy we'll not be able to answer the climate challenge in time. Yet, the calculation of the Fossil Fuels lobbies is to advertise the Alternative Energies and kind of ban the Nuclear Energy in order to get a longer period during which they can sell their toxic Fossil Fuels, and this, in total disrespect for what will happen to Humankind.
The world populations which are directly concerned by the headwaves and the lack of sweetwater, and could weigh on the political decisions, are as lethargic as Al Gore's frog and totally disconnected from Reality. All they want is immediate, fun and entertainment. We spend every year on this planet thousands of billion dollars for our distrations and pleasure while we cannot find a hundred billion dollars a year for the saveguard of our planet. People identified with their thoughts are out of touch. This is why our surface civilization, based upon identification with thoughts, needs to retrieve BEING in the human. It'll allow us to abandon our conflicting quests for power that tear the world apart, and we'll be able to abide by the common ecological guidance that is needed to save our planet. The civilizational shift needed is no less than a psychological revolution.
Terraforming the Earth should be easy not only because we wouldn't have to travel 56.4 million kilometers like it is the case for Mars for instance, but mainly because we would only have to stop terraDeforming our planet for everything to slowly get back to normal again. Indeed, the element that is actively destroying the planetary ecosystem day after day is us, humans. And we even know by which means we are destroying our world. So, we are not like the dinosaurs which were helpless facing the asteroid that obliterated them. For our species the only necessary action in order to remain alive is to right our behavior, can we do that ?
For this to happen do we need more cognitive knowledge ? Faster computers ? More intellectual analysis and theories ? Or more money and material means ? All these elements belong to the surface path which brought us to the brink of the precipice and we see they do not work. They only provide us with more sophisticated levers to express our thirst for HAVING, increasing our violence to get this HAVING and broaden the chaos we spread around us everywhere.
It seems to me that what we're truly missing doesn't belong to our theories and even less to our sacrosanct technology. What we're lacking is wisdom. Indeed, without wisdom theories as well as technology become lethal. All our discoveries turned evil in our hands not because they are evil in themselves but because of the use we made of them. The Power of Fossil Fuels releases the CO2 which generates the Global Warming. We used the Atom's Power to create enough nuclear bombs to totally destroy our world 20 times. And as warned Norbert Wiener - but we did not listen to his words - the Power of Cybernetics holds an evil side which with the cyber-attacks and other cyber-worms also hold the possibility to totally destroy us. The probelm as we see is our lack of wisdom
Now, you may ask what I mean by the word wisdom ? To my experience the path of wisdom does not belong to the realm of thoughts and their creations. It rather starts when we succeed abandoning identification with thoughts which is but a shelter protecting us from our unresolved pains. Wisdom comes from the observation and therefore the experience of what "IS" in the always renewed Present Instant. It may appear insignificant to a mind possessed by thoughts but the observation I'm talking about brings a change so fundamental we can call it a revolution. In fact, the only true revolution for Humankind.
From the "thinking mode" we shift to the "BEING mode" and are brought back to who we Really ARE. Indeed, experiencing BEING in us is the deepest possible form of observation. It is where the ISness of Reality we share with everything else is met in each and everything starting within us. Becoming conscious of consciousness is the ground for wisdom. R.D. Laing said: "We do not need theories so much as the experience that is the source of the theory". The problem is most of the theories of our shaky and disconnected world emanate from identification with thoughts and therefore are not rooted in the experience of Reality. They are but rootless and floating elucubrations based upon our memories and which only purpose is to ease and/or hide the pressure of our unresolved pains bubbling in our depth.
Wake up......!!!


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