BEING in us which is Reality's ISness, holds the paramount authority that sets the cosmic order in motion. When we are identified with our thoughts we lose access to BEING in us and therefore we lose this cosmic and intrinsic authority. Since then on the shriveled cognitive program we've became needs to find a replacing authority, as not to face its lostness, and most of the time it embraces the authority of the society in which it is embedded.

The problem is this society is made of people also identified with their thoughts and the authority they propose is a product of their disconnected thoughts. Yet, since they're all drifting together they imagine they're taking the right direction and this is so securizing that they cling to their common lie like a shipwrecked grabs her raft. This is true for any community composed of people identified with their thoughts.

This is what is happening to our westernized civilization that proudly brandishes the flag of the god PROGRESS. We realize there's something tricky with this PROGRESS when for instance, we see that the IPCC's thousands experts tell us we must drastically reduce our CO2 emissions right now, not tomorrow, right now, and instead our global authority leisurely continues allowing CO2 emissions to grow every year a bit more. And this fake authority even lowers the Oil price to be sure to suffocate us even better. Also, the new Oxfam repport says that - on current trends - by 2016, 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. These evidences over the insanity of the authority leading us should be enough to shed a convincing light upon the whole system's madness.

Are we bold enough to open our eyes or like the ortrich do we want to keep our head buried in the sands of delusion and count on a bunch of disconnect idiots for our survival and the survival of our children ? That is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of a disconnected world, or to take the necessary steps against this sea of illusion and by opposing shut it and retrieve BEING, which is Reality's ISness in us.



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