What kinds of hurts and falsifications of the playful child is our adult personality hiding under its cognitive and disconnected shell ? Can we let ourself totally lose control and reach a spontaneous state where our Real self expresses itself freely, and this, no matter if this expression is "politically correct" or not ? Can we, disregard what we are hiding: anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, guilt, lonelines, fear, or even terror, allow everything buriedin us to surface and naturally leave us through the open gate of consciousness ? When we succeed doing so, we just become the direct expression of Reality and we retrieve BEING as who we Really ARE. And even though our inner sky may still be filled with some clouds we now know we're not these clouds but the sky containing them and this makes the whole difference.

Having retrieved BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE and therefore indivisible ISness, we experience so deeply its PEACE that it is automatically transmuted into JOY and LOVE blossoms right away. Since then on we discover that LOVE is the very fabric of everything, everywhere, even of things we thought were trivial, boring or even worse. When we are back to who we Really ARE, we realize that LOVE is the very substance of LIFE but in order to experience this in and as us we have to let go of whatever blinds INFINITY's Light in us. In fact, we lose Reality and its INFINITE depth when we look at it through the dividing prism of our thoughts, and this because Reality's ISness is just not divisible.

So, don't be a trap for misery. Let misery come but let it also go and leave you. Do not resist Reality in any way but on the contrary trust it absolutely. Do not trap misery in you by fear of fully experiencing the effect of its poison since it'll remain in you 'til you drink its final drop. The sky allows the dark clouds to come freely and inundate the land with their fecundating rain. And then it let them go and be replaced by a wonderful sunshine displaying the rainbow its rays illuminate. Join the open sky and allow Reality to pervade you from side to side, like shreds dancing in the wind.

Observe things, how they come and how they go. Do not appropriate things but do
 not refuse them either. Be the empty observer who, like a playful child, do not stick to situations but flows with LIFE's unfolding. Stop crying for what you don't have, or what could happen or all the things that may seem wrong to your thought-identity, and instead enjoy BEING in you and its PEACE, it is much enough for JOY to shine through you and sparkle in your eyes.

Lao Tzu said: the world is sacred. It cannot be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it (like we are ruining our world today). If you treat it objectively (which means in a dual mode), you'll just lose it (and this because it is an INFINITE and therefore indivisible Reality).



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