The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty, which extended the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commited State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that (a) global warming exists and (b) man-made CO2 emissions have caused it. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 but the United States refused to abide by this treaty. What is important to note is during the last 40 years there was not one year when the CO2 emissions were not higher than the previous year apart 2014 which CO2 emissions stagnated at the level of 2013. The IPCC latest report warned us that if we do not bring our CO2 emissions level back to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this by 2020, we'll not be able to keep temperatures within the 2° degees. Yet, the "sovereign" nations continue refusing to fulfill this scientific requirement. In clear our nations are just totally crazy and criminal. And then they make a huge story about FIFA corruption. Humankind is going right into the furnace because Oil industries want to fill their pockets but oh la la these guys only see FIFA corruption ! When you are dirty to the brim but still want to appear clean you take a scapegoat and put the blame on him as to make a diversion. It could be anyone: Putin, Sarkozy, Blatter, whoever ...
Enough with the way we divide the world into nations that fight each other in a toxic and destructive quest for power. Global Warming is a real threat and it doesn't know our frontiers. While we are busy fighting each other, like a bunch of coyotes clashing for a rotting carcass, and while we engulf extreme wealth and power in this madness, our world is inexorably drifting towards the burning gallows of unbearable heatwaves. Let's realize that we'll win together or lose together, our destiny facing Global Warming is now totally one and indivisible. Welcome to the 21st century.
Citizen of the world wake up from the deads ..



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