James Lovelock, the father of the GAIA theory, said: "I am a green and I would be classed among them, but I am most of all a scientist; because of this I entreat my friends among the greens to reconsider their naive belief in sustainable development and renewable energy, and that this and saving energy are all that need to be done. Most of all, they must drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy. Even if they were right about its dangers, and they are not, its use as a secure, safe and reliable source of energy would pose a threat insignificant compared with the real threat of intolerable and lethal heatwaves and sea levels rising to threaten every coastal city of the world. Renewable energy sounds good, but so far it is inefficient and expansive. It has a future, but we have no time now to experiment with visionary energy sources: civilization is in imminent danger and has to use nuclear energy now, or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet".
The last report of the IPCC is warning us that we must bring our CO2 emissions back to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this, before 2020. Otherwise we'll not remain within the 2 degrees.
James Lovelock continues: " To undo the harm we have already done requires a programme whose scale dwarfs the space and military programmes in cost and size".
Unfortunately the Oil lobbies represent thousands of billion dollar and they control both the politics and the media. Which means the masses are manipulated to the bones. The world leaders want to find a workable accomodation !? They are so accustomed to bargain with each other that now they want to bargain with Earthitself ! This is appalling, pathetic and it shows what kind of greedy buffons are leading the Earth destiny.
The popualtions are kept in an artificial dream that may suits the consumption market but represents a terrible deficit of real information about the gravity of the situation. The change of energy needs money. We find thousands and thousands of billion dollar for our wars. We spent 3000 billion dollar only for the war in Iraq for instance. We find thousands of billion dollar for our distractions, entertainment, drugs, sport, tourism, whatever, but when it comes to change our energy source as to save our planet and us with it, suddenly we cannot find the necessary money.
As we see, the main problem is our disconnection from Reality in us. People are identified with their thoughts while in Reality what they ARE is BEING in them. In this psychological disconnection from Reality lies our main problem. We have lost the sense of priorities and I maintain here that as long a humans will not return to BEING in them, which is who they ARE in Reality, they will remain incomplete and their action will be twisted and perverse.

I swear the Earth shall surely be complete
to him or her who shall be complete
the Earth remains jagged and broken
only to him or her who remains jagged
and broken. ( Walt Whitman )



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