In May 2015, India was struck by a severe heatwave that caused the death of more that 2500 people. In June 2015, Pakistan was struck by a similar heatwave that killed at least 780 people. These heatwaves are not isolated events and they will become much more numerous and severe in the future.
In his book, the Revenge of GAIA, James Lovelock warned us the heatwaves generated by Global Warming will increase in intensity and frequency and reach totally intolerable and lethal levels. We have entered this Burning Era forecasted by Lovelock.

These heatwaves combined with the growing scarsity of freshwater, the lack of food, every year we destroy 12 million hectares of cultivable lands while at the same time the world population is growing, and the increasing bellicosity of people while the weapon industries, entangled in a deadly race for power, produce more and more weapons, we may expect a frantically violent world in the years to come.
While, as all the scientists tell us we must drastically reduce our CO2 emissions if we want to avoid the worst effects of Global Warming, nothing is done to curb the use of Fossil Fuels in the world. Nothing.
We are led by a bunch of utterly criminal people who only think of the wealth of their little club of privileged guys that includes of course the Oil lobbies' leaders. In 2016, the richest 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99% says the new Oxfam report.
These people leading us do not feel threatened by the heat and this is not their kins who die in the heatwaves, at least not for the moment. Therefore they continue prefering to protect a system into which their interests keep growing to the drastic change that is absolutely necessary if we are to save the Earth and first of all our planetary fragile civilization.
The time has come for the pacific masses to abandon their lethargy and stand for their world peacefully but firmly. Otherwise other people much less peaceful will take advantage of the dreadful situation to spread their violence everywhere.



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