The physicist Bernard d'Espagnat said that at the level of Reality's ISness there is violation of the principle of separability. In other words, Reality's ISness stops nowhere that could constitute a separation and break its boundless unity. It is an INFINITE yet sizeless continuum. This means the forms that compose the universe have no other Reality than INFINITY itself. If we remove Reality's INFINITE ISness nothing remains from the 500 billion galaxies that compose the universe, zero.

This is why we should be interested in what means INFINITY and not brush it aside under the pretext it is ungraspable by our thoughts and calculations. INFINITY is not a concept it is Reality's very ISness and we experience it as BEING in us.

When we concentrate our attention on BEING in us we realize it is one with OBSERVATION. Yes, BEING is OBSERVATION. And this OBSERVATION excludes our thoughts since the OBSERVATION I'm talking about includes observing our thoughts too and this makes them stop automatically. Try and you'll see.

There, when we watch the world in the Present Instant, and not from behind the disconnecting screen of our thoughts which makes us travel on the virtual stream of TIME, we OBSERVE directly INFINITY in its manifestations, their relations with each other and their movements. This experience is essentially what the true spiritual people reported all around the planet and across the ages. They all made the very same experience. Spirituality is not something our thoughts can improvise.

The Native Americans like the Sioux Lakotas for instance, were experts in spiritual knowledge. They were experiencing the unity of Reality's INFINITE ISness and its profound PEACE in their everyday life. They knew that BEING within them was one with the sheer and limitfree OBSERVATION in the Instant. They were consciously part of Nature and knew its depth was bottomless and spiritual. And for that they profoundly respected all its expressions. For them a crow was much more than a crow and a river much more than a river because they saw their INFINITE ISness through their own experience of this ISness or BEING in them.

The spiritual knowledge of the Sioux Lakotas was huge and they were truly a civilized people. If, instead of exterminating them, the Settlers would have been more humble and accepted to learn from their wisdom, America could have been an amazing nation instead of a surface one.


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