In the Gospel according to Thomas, Jesus said: "make the two, one". As to know how to achieve such a wonder, we must remember how we made the one, two, in the first place. Reality's INFINITE ISness, which is BEING in us, is a one and indivisible consciousness that stops nowhere. In other words it is the only thing that "IS".

When the fetus, the newborn baby and the young child, who are utterly vulnerable, encounter pains too big to be consciously met, we take off from Reality's ground contaminated with what Martin Heidegger calls the Dreadful, and we get shelter in a cognitive and virtual reality that mimics Reality.

This virtual and cognitive world, which we clip like a grid upon the Real world, makes the one, two, originally by pure survival necessity. It finds an extension and a reinforcement into the computer and digital world where we deeply soak today.

So, now we know what is the path to retrieve the oneness of Reality in us and all around. It is just the reverse of our pathological escape from what remains unresolved in us. The force that keeps us disconnected from Reality in us and splits us in two, is the repressed energy of our unresolved pains. The code of these pains is encapsulated in our limbic system and their symptoms are diffused in our whole organism, muscles, endocrine system, etc.

When these painful memories kept unconscious in us rise to consciousness their story is integrated and rendered harmless and their energy is burnt to the light of consciousness.

Sitting on our meditation mat and simply OBSERVING what "IS" we align ourself with the timeless Present Instant and we open a gate for the unresolved pains in us to rise to consciousness like smoke rises in a chimney. Our only business here is to OBSERVE whatever happens in us, sensations, feelings, thoughts, everything, without manipulating what is unfolding.

We just OBSERVE and let Nature doing its job in us. We'll gradually perceive how we are identified with our thoughts and we'll naturally learn how to abandon this identification. At one moment we'll realize that BEING in us is an INFINITE consciousness which is as much in us as our body is immersed into its boundlessness. There the two vanishes into the oneness of consciousness of which everything is made and proceeds ..



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