Since the mists of time, humans, unfortunately identified with their thoughts, have dreamed to equate God. Today, with our computers and robots, this dream is furiously reactivated in spite of Norbert Wiener's warnings.

It is even stunning how modern and self-designated intelligent people, who think of themselves as above the poor believer in God, suddenly fall into the absurd and inconceivable belief that a robot could turn alive.

Even more stunning, the very "serious" people at the helm of the Pentagon with their NBIC program and those famous innovators in Silicon Valley, like Douglas Mulhall, Ray Kurzweil, etc., with their GRAIN program and their sacrosanct Singularity, are working at materializing this ancient dream: giving the breath of LIFE to their creation.

This only shows the madness of our times. We'll not make our robots human or course, in fact the truth is the way round: since we are identified with our thoughts and therefore disconnected from BEING or Reality's ISness in us, we are transformed into a mere cogntive program, based upon memories, which makes of us human robots.

This disconnection from Reality explains why we can believe in such crazy things like a robot becoming human. Yet, our dream to create LIFE and in so doing becoming like God, reveals a fundamental situation hidden by the veil of identification with thoughts.

We are not our limited thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE ISness. This INFINITE quality of BEING in us is the sole and true Divine simply because by definition there is nothing else than INFINITY. Yet, when we are identified with our thoughts, which are made of limits, we are psychologically disconnected from the INFINITE substance of Reality and consciously or not we awfully miss it.

This is why, today the disconnected humans we are try to recover this Divine nature of INFINITY in us, through external artefacts, like our technology, computers and robots. Likewise Icarus who wanted to escape the Labyrinth by means of the wings he created, we try to escape identification with thoughts - which blinds us to Reality's INFINITY - by the external means of our technology and this truly sucks. A dream can easily turn into a nightmare and we might well burn our cognitive wings to the Sun or Reality one day.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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