Planet Earth provides for everything humans need as to succeed in life and be happy. Yet, what we do with this profusion is a pathetic and widespread destruction of all we have including what should be the most precious for us, our children.

We even start by destroying our children first, and often since before birth, which shows our great insanity and isolation into our cognitive cocoon. And then we "innocently" ask why are there so many of our children who join the ISIS for instance, as if we were not part of the process. An Alien witnessing the situation could genuinely be surprised with our behavior and ask what causes this strange madness agitating us.

If we jeopardize our survival as a species in such a widespread way it is by lack of access to LOVE which is BEING's very essence in us. And we cannot have access to BEING in us as long as, running away from the unresolved pains caused by the lack of LOVE, we hide into indentification with thoughts like into a shell, which causes a psychological split from Reality's ISness to occur. This is a perfect example of catch-22.

When the child is born he/she encounters parents who, because disconnected from BEING in them are too often hollow characters more in need of LOVE than in capacity to provide for it. Indeed, most of the time what the parents present as LOVE is in fact a secret demand to be loved camouflaged as LOVE: "Love me bacause I love you".

Our whole social construction is in fact a hollow dream disconnected from Reality and which ultimately hurts Reality. We pretend giving LOVE while in fact what we do is trying to pump LOVE out of others but in vain since they are as broke as we are in the matter. Ultimately, this generalized deprivation of LOVE generates a massive chaos that none of our ideologies can dispell.

The tremendous lack of LOVE into which we abandon our children gives way to egoism, anger, violence, murders, conflicts and wars. And weapon industries as well as different kinds of "cartels" for a wide range of drugs that includes computer games, are the ultimate and maybe the only true beneficiaries to our planetary lack of LOVE. We call this misery civilization.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi

Thank You


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