My experience of the world is not as if the world was inside me. No, I experience the world out there. And if I do not experience the world as inside me it is because consciousness is not trapped in me but pervades my body and all the bounderies and limits 'til the most distant stars. Consciousness has no kind of limits.

Consciousness is Reality's ISness which is INFINITE as Science demonstrates notably through Alain Aspect Experiment. Yet, as long as we are identified with our thoughts, which are limited constructions, we "think" of consciousness as confined into the meanders of our thoughts.

Today the world is running after supernatural capacities like in the X-Men's movie for instance and the Singularity project is taken very seriously by Silicon Valley as well as by the Pentagon. The very serious people leading us are just mad oddballs.

This pathetic quest is due to the fact we are psychologically disconnected from BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness and also pure consciousness. This fundamental consciousness is the essence of everything including our own body and it is one with the Present Instant frame. Our body is the closest part of the universe around who we ARE, and this ISness in us is an OBSERVING no-thing.

The magic we are looking for through our insane quest for Transhumanity and its numerous variants, is the INFINITY of consciousness we access when we stop identifying with our thoughts and retrieve BEING in us.

If you want to attain BEING in you, first of all don't seek it since it IS already there and no quest is necessary. What is attained by seeking has already fallen into the realm of thoughts, inquiry and intellection while BEING can be attained ONLY through sheer OBSERVATION of the unfolding Present Instant.

OBSERVE the Present Instant without dividing it with your thoughts that work as a cognitive scalpel.

The spiritual practice which requires detachment from thoughts, and return to Reality's INFINITE ISness in us, brings the best way to save energy. Indeed, when we abandon the realm of identification with thoughts and its disconnection, Reality's unity regulates the use of energy in a natural way that avoids any waste since waste comes from our artificial divisions. This is why spirituality (and not religion) can be decisive to our 21st century which needs so desperately to save energy.

When we're back to Reality's INFINITE ISness, which is BEING in us, we stop using the universe for insane and useless purposes and we let Nature retrieve its flowing course in us and as a consequence all around us.

True spirituality is not found in a dogma that should be transmitted and followed. Spirituality is just direct experience of what "IS" here and now. It is free from the screen of thoughts, their limitations and their big theories.

As soon as we create a doctrine and implement it through institutions we kill spirituality by enclosing it into the limits and the rigidity of our thoughts and words, just like we would kill the wind by enclosing it into a box for instance. A finger points to the moon but doomed is the one who sees only the finger.


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