It is one thing to be disconnected from Reality by pains too big to be consciously encountered and plunged into the Lie of identification with thoughts. It is quite another thing to kind of sanctifying this cognitive disconnection, and drift, pretending everything's OK, healthy and sane, and in so doing erasing the last evidence of our madness.

The reason Freud's work was so appropriate to our time was his deep insight in the fact that the ordinary person is but a surface fragment of what a person IS in Reality. Until now, and as Martin Heidegger demonstrated, we were some how aware that the Deadful had already happened for all of us, and this even though seldom people took the right path to undo this primal Deadful. Yet, these very last years, and crucially this last decade, those leading our so-called civilized world are deliberately obliterating the knowledge that we are but a desiccated scraps of who we ARE in Reality, presenting our collective madness as "normal", healthy and yippee !

We see this change through the films, the TV series and through the Internet jungle that spreads madness as a new way of life. It is quite certain that unless we can retrieve a sane vision over our collective insanity then we are going to exterminate ourselves as a species, and this sooner than we "think".

This is obvious if only in the way we do absolutely nothing to answer Global Warming's challenge. Indeed barbarism doesn't only belong to the terrorists of Islam, the westernized civilization is also building its own barbarism, much different and maybe "fashionable" but as mad and lethal as the one of the terrorists. To wallow in the mud never made anyone free, stop cheating yourself. The very first step towards freedom is to realize that our alienation from BEING in us is a psychological disconnection from Reality's very ISness and its INFINITE depth. And hoovering above Reality's ground we soak into one kind of barbarism or another. Having fun, sex and whiskey is not the main purpose for our presence on Earth guys. Come back to Reality's SELF in you since reintegrating this SELF is the very first step on the path of LIFE and all our distractions are but toxic craps.


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