The Buddha was called the Perfect because he reached the INFINITY of Reality's ISness in himself. Only INFINITY is Perfect. The forms through which INFINITY expresses itself are by definition made of limits and as such are imperfect. The human BEING who consciously retrieves BEING in him/herself, continues to be imperfect in his/her human form while INFINITY's Perfection beams through this imperfection. This is what Jesus means when he says in Matt. 5:48: "be Perfect as God is Perfect". Nirvana and Samsara are but one thing. This is why the universe made with so many limits is still wondrous, INFINITY's Light shining through the imperfection of its forms. When we are identified with our thoughts, which are limited constructions, we do not have conscious access to BEING in us and its Perfection and we place our demand for Perfection on our external human form. This endeavor can only fail, even though it nourishes huge industries on Earth. What I'm saying here is not only the Buddha and Jesus message, but also Zarathustra's message, Krishna's message and the message of all the true spiritual messengers. And this message is not only for some happy few people, some "saints" or "reclusive monks", but for EVERYONE. This is the Gospel's good news. Yet, as Herbert Marshall McLulan, the well known theorician in communication, once said: "only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity". Our thought-identity wants to rule over us and impose its neurotic ways upon us. This is why this thought-identity tells us things like, returning to BEING in us is just impossible, useless or a crazy dream. Thought-identity doesn't want us retrieving BEING in us because if we do so thought-identity dies right away and it knows it well. Therefore, don't be fooled by your thoughts.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi

Thank You


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