BEING in us, or Reality's ISness, is fundamentally an INFINITE consciousness. And since it is INFINITE in substance it stops nowhere. This means nothing remains outside of it. Truly, this consciousness IS absolutely everything there is, from the tiniest point-particles to the biggest galaxies. Through a dialectical process, zero, which is INFINITY's doorway, divides itself into pairs of opposite energies: 0 = +1 -1, and this polarized energy first vibrates itself into matter & antimatter. Yet, all this process occurs into this INFINITE consciouness which gives a sense to its whole cosmic manifestation. This sense is discovered by Science, pieces by pieces, and classified into its different pompous disciplines. All the things that seem so solid and we consider as disparate elements when we only have access to the surface of things, are found to be a unique and INFINITE consciousness when we are reintegrated into Reality's ISness in us.

The boredom that we may feel in our lives doesn't come from Reality's essence but from identification with our disconnected and limited thoughts, which, because based upon memories, are made of the known while the enchantment comes from the discovery of the always new. Reality is so constantly renewed and its period is so short that it cannot be apprehended through a thought process which by definition involves Time. Reality can be experienced only as BENG in us which, since always new, is pure enchantment. Identification with thoughts and their limits, is based upon a cogntive program rooting us into the groove of habits and stagnant thought-systems that rigidify our vision and so doing disconnects it from the fast and smooth flow of Reality's constant renewal.

Also, identification with thoughts doesn't only consists in identification with smart, philosophical, ideological or religious thoughts. One can be identified with trivial, stupid, schizoid or violent and even barbaric thoughts as well. It is not what kind of thoughts we are identified with that presents a problem but merely the fact of being identified with thoughts. Just any thought will be as bad in terms of disconnection from Reality. And this disconnection is Humankind's main problem.

It is very important to comprehend this point. It explains why no matter if people are identified with Islamic or Democratic thoughts, they still behave criminally like the ISIS or those so-called democratic, smart and serious people who, for each terrorist they kill with their drones, according to the UK Human Rights group, also kill an average of 28 innocent civilians including many children. Yes, this is identification with thoughts which induces us to believe in the rightness of our behavior even when it is obviously totally criminal. The fact that we are able to see the evil in other people's behavior but seldom in our own behavior shows identification with thoughts is a mere defense. There's none as blind as the one who doesn't want to see says Jesus. This capacity to hide what we do not want to see, belongs to our thought-identity and presides at the roots of the fake world it fabricates.

Reality's ISness has an enchanting quality and we perceive its wonder shining through BEING which is the INFINITE consciousness in us. We may call it the Khôd, the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, the Tao, Dana, God, Dieu, Dios, Brahma, Sunyata, YHVH, Allah, or any word we choose, but we must know the Reality of this word will shine through us only when we retrieve BEING in us which is the doorway to INFINITY. Otherwise the word we use remains a disconnected concept for brain masturbation and illusory hope. Let's not lose ourself in the limited appearances through which INFINITY expresses itself. INFINITY has no size, no shape, yet it can assume all. The priceless treasure we're consciously or not after since the Fall from Eden, cannot be found outside of us. It is who we intrinsically ARE, and the fruit of knowledge, which is identification with thoughts, is just a mind-screen blinding us to INFINITY.

I am the one who "IS" says God to Moses. In other words, this means that the ISness of everything is Divine and Walt Whitman would add that this ISness shines its Light through any tiniest blade of grass. The question is can we reach this ISness in us ? Among other messengers, Shakyamuni, the Buddha, answered YES, and he proposed a path of realization to reach the INFINITE ISness of Reality in us.

On its side quantum physics demonstrates, notably through the Alain Aspect Experience, that Reality's ISness is INFINITE. This is because the Real mass and the Real charge of a point-particle are INFINITE, and therefore blind all the equations, that Renormalization was invented. Renormalization arbitrarily gives the point-particle, like the electron for instance, a mass and a charge different from INFINITY but calculable. This arbitrarity explains the different theories that blossom today in quantum physics like the String Theory, etc. Physicists juggle with concepts and numbers as to have their equations make a sense. But Reality is not a concept, INFINITY is not a number and its ISness cannot be enclosed into any cogntitive and objective representation but only subjectively experienced as BEING in us. We see that even our Science can become a dogma that sacrifies Reality to our calculations.

Understand me well. I'm not saying the physicists should not use their fake, cognitive and limited version of Reality's ISness in their calculations. What I'm saying is: at the same time they should emphasize the most fantastic discovery Science ever made which is the INFINITY of Reality's ISness. Indeed this discovery represents a bridge with metaphysics, and could allow the human butterfly we are to fly with two wings instead of turning in circles and vibrating desperately in the dust of its illusions. Scientists retort that Reality's ISness is INFINITE only at the quantum level. This shows they don't understand what is INFINITY. They still consider INFINITY through the limiting screen of identification with thoughts. The obvious truth is by definition INFINITY cannot be limited to any perimeter, it is totally limitfree and cannot be enclosed into any level quantic or not. INFINITY is everything there IS. Yet, the Scientific dogma likewise any dogma is fanatical and protects its theories and limited interpretations of Reality while Reality's ISness is an INFINITE consciousness that transcends all our materialist and formal visions.

Now, the question that arises is why INFINITY would be less than Divine ? And where would stand this Divine different from INFINITY when we know there IS nothing apart the INFINITY of Reality's ISness ?

INFINITY, this word is not little in meaning and blows our mind if we dare penetrate it with thoughts. Only our thought-identity, which apprehends everything through the lens of our thoughts' limits, would refuse considering INFINITY as divine. Usually when we speak about INFINITY, people think of the vastness of the universe and this because thoughts do not have access to the essence of Reality. The truth is INFINITY has no size yet it can assume all. It is not a quantity but a quality. And this quality which is given to absolutely everything is indeed no less than divine.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi

Thank You


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