When the stain-glass windows of a church are crossed by the sun's rays our attention is triggered by the colored patterns of these glasses, their symbolic figures as well as their religious meaning while the sun's light itself is forgotten altogether.

The same, when our thought patterns appear in the light of our consciousness this light is forgotten and left in the background of our thoughts that absorb all our attention.

This is how we end up forgetting consciousness itself which is nonetheless what we Really ARE, and we identify with our thoughts and their virtual constructions. As to retrieve consciousness that constitutes our true ISness we must consciously surf the always renewed tip of the Present Instant or the locus where Reality is met. The duration of this tip is so short that our thougths do not have the necessary time to be generated and they stop altogether vanishing into the clear conscious space just like smoke is dispelled in the wide open sky.

There, we experience the fact that we still ARE totally and even more sharply there even though we're not thinking at all. Through this experience it becomes evident for us that we are not our thoughts but an INFINITE consciousness which pervades everything and is Reality's ISness. Again I speak here about an experience we can make for ourself and not any sort of belief or theory.

Spirituality's job consists in experiencing the light of this INFINITE consciousness as who we ARE. Spirituality therefore has nothing to do with beliefs, creeds or any thought constructions whatsoever.

When we're back to BEING in us we realize our thoughts have zero relevance in encountering the Divine which since INFINITE ends nowhere. BEING has no outside, and therefore can only be experienced subjectively as a SELF that is Reality's INFINITE ISness and who we ARE.

And to those "mind-gamblers" who reply that we are not God, thinking they made me chessmate with such crap, I say that even a point-particle like the electron shares Reality's INFINITE ISness, so, are we less than a point-particle just because we are humans ? In fact they "think" INFINITY with the terms proper to the realm of the limits this is why they make such gross mistake. INFINITY is sizeless and stops nowhere that's what these guys must remember.

As long as we are identified with our thoughts and their dream we are prevented the access to BEING in us and we remain but blind dreamers. And this, no matter if our dream is secular, religious, trivial or even barbaric, we remain locked up in our thought-bubble anyway.

This is why those who believe there's no God are as much believers as those who believe in God. They are both locked up into identification with thoughts and entangled into their cognitive constructions.

Today, on the surface of our planet, people identified with their thoughts, and therefore disconnected from Reality, are engaged into conflicts of different kinds including wars that aims at imposing their respective beliefs and cognitive visions to each other, everybody insisting their belief the good one.

The pro-Democracy and Humanist people fight in the name of Freedom and the pro-Religion people fight in the name of the Divine. If they could both come down from the merry-go-round of identification with thoughts and have access to BEING in themselves, they would realize that BEING, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, is both the only Freedom and the only Divine, and they would instantly end their fight.

This is why my advice to these respectable people is to dispell the mists of their thoughts and retrieve BEING and the Sun of Reality in themselves ... that would be enough to stop their lethal and toxic wars and let PEACE grow in their hearts again and spill over.

Again, consciousness and thoughts are two separate things. Just like clouds may fill the sky but they are not the sky, thoughts may fill your conscious space but they are not your consciousness. And just like a sky may be free from any cloud, your consciousness can be free from any thought. This doesn't mean that thoughts are bad, no, this is identification with thoughts that denature a human BEING transforming her into a human thought disconnected from Reality. Thinking must be mastered in a way we think when we want and we stop thinking when we want, at will. Unfortunately people are possessed by their thoughts, they live in a kind of thought-bubble and cannot stop thinking even for one tiny minute. This dependance I call slavery.

Thank You


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