One more time I must stress here the fact that Humankind's greatest enemy is identification with thoughts. Indeed, this identification keeps us disconnected from Reality since in Reality we are not our thoughts but BEING in us.

The atrocious and barbaric terrorist action perpetrated in the name of Islam by Said and Cherif Kouachi against Charlie Hebdo's office, like the one perpetrated in the name of Islamophoby by Anders Behring Brejvik in Oslo (2011), are possible only because people are identified with their thoughts and as a consequence disconnected from Reality. Engulfed into the blind and crazy horizon of an ideology weaved by thought-identification, people commit evil while not even knowing it.

Yet, a human BEING can be called civilized only when s(he) retrieves BEING within and NO ideology can dissipate the madness identification with thoughts represents. I know you will not like what I will say here but my job is not to please thought-identity.

Little is the number of people who do evil on purpose, usually we find good reasons to justify our wrong doings. Westernized people attached to their so-called "democratic ideology, are also identified with their thoughts and also commit atrocities.

The UK human-rights group gave The Guardian the latest statistics (November 24, 2014) compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, on collateral damage from American drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

Eliminating a specific terrorist is a ‘surgical killing’ according to the US but it is a big lie. Britain’s Reprieve human-rights group calculated that it takes about 28 innocent lives to take out a single terrorist, often with multiple drone strikes. This means that during the last decade thousands and thousands of innocent people, often children, were killed on a daily basis for no reason by the US drones in the name of our civilized world.

These innocent people US drones kill in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and elsewhere are as much humans as these poor journalists killed at Charlie Hebdo's office by the two criminal madmen. And, if they remain totally unknown to us they were very important to their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc. ... but honestly, do we truly care for them like we care for our journalists ?

The problem is, when you are identified with your thoughts you do not see you're disconnected from Reality. Clinging to your thought-system, no matter what it is, Democracy, Islam, whatever, you absolutely want to believe you're right even when you act criminally. Only the return to BEING, and therefore to Reality's ISness in us, can end this shared madness where humans kill humans in the name of their ideologies.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye". (Luke: 6:42)



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