
Showing posts from June 28, 2014


"The 21st century will be religious or it will not be at all”. These words of warning have traditionally been attributed to AndrĂ© Malraux, French writer and Minister of Culture during the latter years of General De Gaulle’s government. Yet when we see how religions can be destrutive of life I think we shoud better use the word "spirituality" instead of "religion". So, let's put it this way: The 21st century will be spiritual or will not be at all. This fits better Reality. A religion is a set of rules, rituals and saint stories which represent a thought-system that keeps us identified with our thoughts because it speaks to the thinker in us through the words of its book. In this it is not different from any other thought-system, could it be social, cultural, political, scientific, philosophical or just trivial. Yet a human BEING is BEING expressed into a human shape. And BEING is infinite Consciousness in essence. The spiri


THE OCEAN CHILD.  The term body of water most often refers to large accumulations of water, such as oceans, seas and lakes, but also smaller pools of water such as ponds, wetlands, or more rarely, puddles.  It is interesting to note in this context that 75% of the Earth surface is covered in water and that, as a coincidence (!?), also 75% of the human BEING's body is made of water. And not any water, but one that has the same salinity and the same minerality the oceans have.  All fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals carry within their bodies the elements of sodium, potassium, and calcium in almost the same proportions as the oceans' water. The "sea" within us has the same salinity as the Precambrian seas of three billion years ago. Could we say that the human body is also a body of water ? My personal answer is yes of course. You are like a tiny encapsulation of the ocean that some 400 million years ago crawled out of the Water World.  When we focus our