The term body of water most often refers to large accumulations of water, such as oceans, seas and lakes, but also smaller pools of water such as ponds, wetlands, or more rarely, puddles.
 It is interesting to note in this context that 75% of the Earth surface is covered in water and that, as a coincidence (!?), also 75% of the human BEING's body is made of water. And not any water, but one that has the same salinity and the same minerality the oceans have.
 All fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals carry within their bodies the elements of sodium, potassium, and calcium in almost the same proportions as the oceans' water. The "sea" within us has the same salinity as the Precambrian seas of three billion years ago. Could we say that the human body is also a body of water ? My personal answer is yes of course. You are like a tiny encapsulation of the ocean that some 400 million years ago crawled out of the Water World.
 When we focus our attention on our brain, we realize that the nervous impulse as to be transmitted needs elements found in the sea water like Na+, Ca+, K+, and among others the Phosphorus P+, which is necessary to all living organisms notably to synthetize DNA, RNA and ATP. Our link with the oceans is pretty obvious.
 As the century reaches the half of its second decade, we keep causing a series of profound damages to Biosphere, its balance and its diversity, that might not be reversible, or only in a very far future. If we continue destroying the Earth's chemistry the way we do this could well induce the Sixth Life Extinction to happen. The last one was cause by an asteriod which 65 million years ago wiped out the dinosaurs.
 This time we are the agents of destruction and even though we could stop destroying our World whenever we want yet, like living deads under an evil spell, we continue our fatal course towards the precipice. Strangely enough, in all our studies that aim at preventing the worst to happen we never include the humans, the destruction agents, into the equation.
 Aquarius is a NASA program which represents an international effort to measure sea surface salinity as to learn about the interaction between ocean circulation and the water cycle, and this, in order to understand better the climate change we generate. Since we are identified with our thoughts and therefore cognitively disconnected from BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE and indivisible essence, we always consider humans as separate from the scientific observation they may conduct. Yet, this is precisely this separation, caused by the screen of thoughts with which we identify, that induces humans destroying their environment and transform the climate into a wild fury comparable to the Morrigan.
 The psychological disconnection from Reality is Humankind's most profound pathology and it generates many others. Like notably the lowering of our immune system's level which is at the roots of many diseases. This disconnection also isolates us generating all our fears, mainly the fear of the unknown: death, strangers, Aliens, etc. Fear induces two possible reactions: fight or flight. Psychologically withdrawing from Life or spreading violence, and often both together.
 When Quantum Physics demonstrates that Reality's esssence is INFINITE, and therefore indivisible, it is a decisive turn for Science. This notably explains why this branch of Science considers the experiencer and the experience as one indissociable whole were the experiencer by his/her mere observation interacts and transforms the experience. If Reality's essence was not INFINITE and indivisible this transformation wouldn't take place. The indivisibility of Reality is well exposed by Erwin Schrödinger in his Cat Trilogy but also in Alain Aspect Experience.
 Yet, even though the basic corpus of Quantum Physics was written one hundred years ago or so, our mind is still molded by the earlier Newtonian Physics.
 The fact is, when identified with thoughts - which are limited constructions - we share with Newtonian Physics the realm of the forms and their limits. Identification with thoughts exerts such constraint over our vision that physicists evacuated INFINITY from their equations using for this a stratagem called Renormalization, and this only because INFINITY cannot be represented and calculated.
 This is why INFINITY was considered as a nuisance blinding the equations and it was put aside altogether and forgotten. Yet, as Quantum Physics demonstrates, Reality's essence is INFINITE, and it is therefore everything that "IS". So, it is very strange to evacuate it if we pretend studying Reality as it "IS". The truth is we study a virtual version of Reality that fits our thought identification and the limits it implies.
 This only shows our thougths are not the right device to apprehend Reality as a whole. BEING in us which actually "IS" the INFINITE essence of Reality, is the right device.
 The first step should be to include BEING in us, as part of the protocol that lays at the bottom of all our researches and consider humans as an inclusive element of our investigation. This would imply NO division whatsoever but rather a harmonious wholeness. Ultimately, ecological awareness is a spiritual awareness. Reality's essence which is INFINITE consciousness, gives a sense of belonging, of connectedness to the whole cosmos.
 It would help us understand why and how the human BEING, when identified with thoughts and their limits, and therefore disconnected from Reality, disturbs Nature's chemical balance at a planetary scale. NASA's Aquarius program could learn a lot from the return to Reality's essence in the human BEING.
 In this context, we should also realize that our body of water improves our body electric's functioning and renders it operational.
 Indeed, water is a milieu that enhances electrical conduction, and sodium as well as calcium and potassium ions, which are found in the oceans's water, also preside over the electrical transmission between neurons notably along the axon and at the electrical synaptic cleft as cations and anions (electrically charged ions).
 Now I invite you to meditate on the fact that BEING is ONLY an experience, and therefore it is pure consciousness. Everything is existentiated into and by the creative perception of this INFINITE consciousness which, like an ocean, is both context and essence to the whole universe. Without any consciousness there is nothing at all.
 Just like the electrical networks of a computer are eventually connected to our brain, our brain itself is plugged, through its synapes' clefts, into the INFINITE and unique consciousness, which is Reality's essence. I mean, there is only one consciousness just like there is only one Sun which rays beam through the differently colored stained glasses of a church windows.
 The gap junction of our electrical synapses is so small, 3.5 nm, that it ranges within the Quantum scale where everything "IS" Reality's conscious and INFINITE essence. This was notably pointed to by the Medicine Nobel Prize, Sir John C. Eccles in his dendrons theory.
 Before we are forced to identify with our thoughts by unresolved pains, the fetus undisturbed intra-uterine state of BEING, which is Reality's essence, benefits of INFINITY's deep PEACE. This oceanic matrix, as Stanislav Groff puts it, is limitfree and one with the Mother. The human Mother as well as the primitive oceanic Mother and the INFINITY Mother, which like three concentric circles, share the same nonlocal center I call the Locus of LIFE. For the Yoga of delivery to happen properly the human mother must be consciously centered on this Locus of LIFE in her. That's where the fetus grows into LOVE.
 This early experience of consciousness which has not yet been polluted with pains too big to be consciously felt, and has not yet saw psyche split into conscious and unconscious, is not veiled by identification with thoughts.
 From this experience of Reality's oneness, spreads PEACE, JOY and LOVE. This is the bliss of ISness and it can be experienced as the Divine INFINITY even in this World. Of course this indivisibility concerns only Reality's essence yet since its is INFINITE it encompasses everything that "IS". The forms through which Reality expresses itself are virtual and exist only for the sake of the cosmic dance which occurs through division that always aims at unification, starting with Yin and Yang.
 It's been a long period of time since, as primitive living organisms, we crawled out of the oceans. Yet, if we stop identifying with our thoughts and their limits, and if we return to BEING in us, we'll realize that our consciousness is not made of intricated electrical networks enclosed into our bains but is rather a shoreless ocean of consciousness into which, as we said, our brains, and their electrical networks, are plugged.
 After we left the liquid ocean of our primitive lives, we can, as humans, retrieve this ultimate ocean, INFINITE and spiritual, made of pure consciousnes, that contains our bodies, and beyond the whole of the universe.
 The body of water and the body electric have eventually emerged into the spiritual body and its INFINITY.
 Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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