Adults, protected behind their cognitive shield, have absolutely no idea to which magnitude of pain the child, whose sensorial window is wide open, can be confronted. It is just huge !

What I call a trauma is an impact of pain of such magnitude that it cannot be consciously encountered and integrated. In a survival reflex our organism has developped a capacity to block these impacts before they reach consciousness and this notably by chemically dyking them, endorphins, etc..

These traumas, remnant of the past, linger in us unresolved, like unexploded sea-mines which nonetheless can be triggered by external stimuli in the Present. Removed from our Real self which these traumas have contaminated, and identified with a fake and cognitive self made of thoughts, we are unconsciously driven by this unresolved past in us which tries to use the Present's events for its resolution.

The problem is the past is the past and there's no way for us to undo it by manipulating the Present. This is why, for instance, when a person unconsciously tries to get from his/her partner in the Present the love s(he) never got from his/her parents in the past, this adventure most often miserably fails.

For this reason we say: "before you do, BE". The Present Instant which is INFINITE in its essence and is constantly renewed in its form, is the sole place for us to meet with Reality and this includes the Reality which was not met in the past because too painful.

When we remain at the tip of the Present Instant long enough, what was hidden and frozen in us will eventually melt, come to the surface - as tears for instance - and altogether leave us.

Yet, even if we are twisted by unresolved pains, when we succeed remaining at the tip of the Present Instant, the INFINITE BEING/consciousness is unveiled in us, as long as we do not refuse anything that unfolds and rise in our depth. OBSERVATION is the main tool we have for this process to succeed.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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