When the child's organism is struck by pains too big to be consciously confronted, these pains are buried in our limbic system before they lethally clash with consciousness and their resolution is postponed to some future time. This is how the psychological momentum of TIME is generated. The Present Instant is not lived for itself anymore but as a support to the expectations we have from the close or distant future. Our thoughts create a cognitive and therefore virtual stream of TIME using present events in order to symbolically solve this past that grumbles in us, soundlessly screaming to be answered. Kind of silent cry which stifled exerts an inner pressure that deteriorates our body's functioning and our behvior.

In other words we are extracted from Reality in us and identified with our thoughts which are longing for the future where, unconsciously, they hope finding the resolution to a destroyed past. Unfortunately this not possible.

Enclosed in the bubble of our thoughts like in a space shuttle we are unable to land on the ground of the Present Instant which, nonetheless, is the only valve from which we can release the presssure of our unresolved pains because the only spot where Reality's essence can be encountered.
Just like the White Rabbit we always run and run, unable to experience BEING in us, or Reality's INFINITE essence, symbolized by Lewis Carroll as the Wonderland.

The child's sensorial window is wide open, this means that since even before birth s(he) is highly sensitive. As would put it Martin Heidegger, the dreadful occured when the child crashed against the adults' wall which, even if adults are not aware of it, is highly insensitive, blind and deaf, hard like a protective shell.

The fact that our society very seriously 'thinks' that robots can reach the human level of aliveness shows only one thing: we have reach, through our disconnection from Reality in us, a level of insensitivity close to the robot's level. This is us humans that are becoming robots through identification with thoughts, and these poor machines are but artefacts with which we deceive ourselves, playing the role of some pathetic gods.

LIFE gushes from the depth of Reality's INFINITE essence or BEING in us, and therefore cannot be tinkered with thoughts' miserable calculations, thoughts being themselves but limited constructions.
When identified with our thoughts we are the only animals that are disconnected from Reality within themselves and also the only animals destroying Nature at a planetary scale. There's of course a deep connection between being disconnected from Reality in us and destroying Reality around us.
Unfortunately, serious people are most often blind to their own disconnection from Reality and they cling to their fake and cognitive identity with the force of despair. Just like the White Rabbit they always run after a future where they hope to find the solutions to all their problems but in vain. Doing so they leave totally unexplored the Present Instant which, like the hole into which Alice fell, leads to the bottomless ground of Reality's INFINITE essence and its enchantment.

Running like the White Rabbit is not serious at all. It is in fact a sheer escape...and a stupid one since what we are escaping from can be solved only in the Present Instant and not through the virtual process TIME. So, get down your cogntive and crazy horse, sit on the ground and just BE what you ARE right now. This is where everything starts.
Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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