When we watch what is happening in Syria, in Iraq, in Gaza, in Lybia, in Ukraine, in Yemen and everywhere on our poor planet that twinkles with turning fires where, one place after another, humans are slaughtered, we can only be bewildered. Indeed, facing all these useless conflicts, big and small and at all levels of the human community, one remains voiceless: what is wrong with us ?
When we consider the endless dispute over Kashmire for instance or how China martyrs the Tibetan People and for so long now, it seems we, humans, really enjoy hurting each other, otherwise why would we ? Isn't humans' well being and happiness more important than all our stupid possessions ? Or is there only a little egotist me, me, me ... if yes, then what a small universe !
When we witness all these massacres and bloodsheds caused by the difference of nationality and the difference of ideology, secular or religious, which are all generated by identification with thoughts, we realize this fake and cognitive identification is our most fundamental and lethal pathology. The cure for this plague resides in a return to BEING in us which is who we ARE and which "IS" also Reality's INFINITE and therefore indivisible essence. BEING is the only space for us where PEACE can be reached. Retrieving BEING in us and its PEACE is called spirituality. Spirituality has nothing to do with the bloody religious systems infesting our planet which are but thought-identification's programations.
It seems that people identified with their thoughts have nothing else to do but tear each other apart and break each other's hearts. As if they were emptying their unresolved pains, gathered in early childhood, upon each other's faces. We always throw the blame upon the OTHER whom we charge with all the evil. Have you notice how from everybody's point of view this is always the OTHER who's responsible for everything, the OTHER who's wrong and evil, and never us ? It's a bit too much one sided a practice don't you think ?
I'm sorry, but it takes two hands for a clap. People are always good, this is our behavior that can be wrong and, at times, we all behave wrongly. Nobody has the monopoly for wrong doing.
The fact is the only behavior we can right is our own not the OTHER's behavior which is out of our control. Through ages we elaborated many systems of coercion and torture to force the OTHER behaving the way we want but in vain and it often backfires. You noticed or not but none of our repressive stratagems works really. Prisons are full, and many people are lining up in the death corridors yet, criminality is on the rise and violence climbs always higher..
Now, we, all of us, are destroying Nature at a planetary scale and we generate Global Warming with our CO2 emissions that are growing every year higher while we should drastically reduce them. And Schist Gas and Oil also produce CO2 apart the fact the 500 chemical products injected in the soil destroy people and lands as well. This is why we should start unifying our forces and skills and work side by side at fixing our common HOME we are destroying worldwide.
If we do not answer Global Warming first our conflicts will have no winner since we'll not have the necessary time to win them. Our wars are just stupid apart the fact they are barbaric. Put down that weapon or we all be gone said Peter Garrett. Our common HOME, the planet EARTH, is on fire, it is not the right time to fight about who'll get which room since the time we spend for fighting and our common HOME will be gone in ashes. Right now, Democracy, Islam, all these ideologies to which we cling so desparately because of identification with thoughts, have turned toxic since they only feed our neurotic and generalized conflict. And conflicting while Global Warming grows can only bring about desolation if not mere anihilation of our species. Can we only open our eyes guys ? Or are we so stupid that nobody will cry in the vast universe if we disappear ?

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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