Reality's INFINITE essence has a conscious depth we call the SELF. Can you embrace Reality's SELF and stop identifying with your thoughts ?

Said differently, can you remain on the "observer mode" long enough for the dust of your thoughts to settle and liberate the SELF's vision ?

Can you realize consciousness is the only thing there "IS", the rest being just the unfolding of its endless potential expressions ?

Consciousness is not a mirror upon which dust can accumulate but a pure no-thing that cannot be reached since it is already everything there "IS".

Yet, it is this pure emptiness that makes of the conscious SELF a matrix, or a darkroom if you prefer, into which everything can be revealed.

Since it has no kind of limit whatsoever this conscious SELF can be only single. We may reach it through our body as the pit of BEING within us which is the Zero gate opening into INFINITY.

As to retrieve this limitless and conscious SELF underneath the dust of identification with thoughts, we must synchronize with the always renewed tip of the Present Instant and touch down onto the bottomless ground of BEING, like a space probe gently sits on an asteroid running at 41 km/sec.

Chuang Tzu (Zhuangtzi), the great Taoist of the 4th century BC, in his texts “Free and Easy Wandering” and “Going Rambling Without a Destination", reflects upon this ultimate and limitless SELF which the human BEING can reach when free from the screen of thoughts, and this no matter his/her sex, age, nationality or any other feature.

Chuang Tzu is not the sole spiritual teacher who's calling us to retrieve the SELF or BEING within us. This message was delivered by thousands of spiritual teachers across the ages and everywhere on planet Earth. Today, in an age of Globalization, this message belongs to everyone, and retrieving the SELF, which is context to the Present Instant, should be an hygiene as common as brushing our teeth for instance.

In the ancient Iran the title of Arya which meant Noble or Perfect was not given to a race or a cast but to the person who had accomplished the return to this conscious SELF behind our thought-mask or persona. Later this meaning was lost, spirituality turning into religion like a shell is emptied from any life and is left as a dead fossil on the shore of INFINITY's ocean.

This message that calls us returning to the SELF is universal and transcends our boundaries and fanatical attachments imposed by thought identity in a world avid for possession and based upon the HAVING mode. Going beyond thought-boundaries and retrieving the conscious and INFINITE SELF, which is Reality's identity, is the very purpose for this forgotten but planetary knowledge that is so important.

In this return to Reality from within us, time boundaries are also transcended since the past and the future are Reality only when they are the Present Instant which is intrinsically timeless.

Our global community, lost in the mists of thougths, soaking and rotting into the thick soup of the known, is hopelessly looking for an exit through the blind and cognitive screen it mistakes for its identity. Yet, this is only the indivisible, limitless and conscious SELF, that offers the liberating door opening into Reality's always renewed harmony. This is why our artefacts, even those renowned as the most "advanced" ones like Singularity, Transhumanism and all these cyber-insanities, worshiped in Silicon Valley, only show one thing: our so-called civilized community is drifting in spiral loops towards nowhere while celebrating its nonsense with trumpets and big effusions.

Retrieving the SELF which is INFINITY's identity, is the miracle we're unconsciously looking for since so long, in our disconnected, clumsy, blind and hazardous quest across the ages. Yet, the return to the SELF through our depth doesn't require any complex and sophisticated technology, only the absolute trust in Reality .. like one trusts in her parachute while jumping from an airplane.

Awaken to the SELF, this conscious and INFINITE nub that beams through and transcends all the limits of its manifestations..

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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