PEACE cannot be found in the words of peace we may utter. PEACE is intrinsic to BEING which is Reality's INFINITE essence. It is this INFINITY which is in PEACE and this because ending nowhere INFINITY is always one. And because it takes at least two to break PEACE.

How can you bring PEACE to people if you are not in PEACE within yourself ? And how can you be in PEACE within yourself when your organism is actively repressing a part of you which is contaminated with pains too big to be consciously encountered ?

Even if this inner conflict is unconscious, you find a trace of it in the way you are exiled from BEING within you and identified with your thoughts, unable to stop thinking even for one minute. Identification with thoughts is the external lid that prevents you encountering your unresolved pain-memories which are blocking the way towards BEING within you.

Therefore the first step in spreading PEACE around you consists in returning to BEING and for this you must first stop identifying with your thoughts. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't think at all. No, it only means that you should realize that you are BEING within you and that you are NOT your thoughts. Then you can use your thoughts the way you want since they represent a wonderful instrument after all.

You are BEING and you have thoughts. In the beginning of your re-education to be BEING within you, it is necessary that you learn how to remain thoughtless for as long as you wish and not be driven and carried away by your thoughts all the time. When you succeed remaining at the tip of the always transforming Present Instant, thoughts stop altogether and this because the Present Instant is renewed so constantly that thoughts do not have the necessary time to be generated. There, you discover that you remain totally yourself even though not even one single thought crosses your conscious space. There, you are this INFINITE consciousness called BEING which is essence to absolutely everything.

This discovery is all spirituality is about. Reality's essence is an INFINITE consciousness which, because INFINITE, is everything that "IS", and therefore cannot enter in conflict with anything since there's nothing else. When you are BEING consciously, you are in PEACE.

The problem is our inner conflict most of the time remains unconscious. We are not aware of the unresolved pains which inhabit our depth and divide our core. On the surface, since we are identified with our thoughts, we believe everything our thoughts want us to believe. We may be aware of how others are breaking PEACE but rarely can we see how we are breaking PEACE ourselves. We are hoodwinked and fooled by the thoughts to which we identify. I am a Democrat Humanist, therefore I am good. I am a Muslim therefore I am good. Nonsense, you are good anyway and this because you are BEING itself whoever you are and no matter what flag you hold in your hand. Yet, this is something you must realize and experience for yourself.

"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye". Matthew 7:5.

Sometimes, even with the best intention and the will of bringing PEACE to people, since our action is based upon identification with thoughts and their limits, we may well bring conflict instead, and set ablaze a situation. And this is true at the level of a family, a society as well as the level of a country and between countries.

PEACE isn't something that you think or plan and even less force onto people. When you force PEACE onto people this is called dictatorship and repression. You may get some kind of order and calmness on the surface but the conflict and its violence are brewing and smouldering underneath. This is true for the individual, when neurotically repressed, as it is true for a family, a society a country or between countries. PEACE sprouts naturally when the human BEING returns to BEING within. This is when the EARTH blossoms because it receives the rays of the sun and the drops of the rain in balanced quantities and according to a schedule known only by Reality's INFINITY. PEACE, alike LIFE itself, occurs only in the Present Instant into which thoughts can never enter ... ever.

Today, human beings are destroying the World at a planetary scale only because they are identified with their thoughts, otherwise we are all INFINITELY good people.

Mitakuye Oyasin
(All Are One)

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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