Using limited terms in an attempt to talk about going beyond limits is near mission impossible. By definition you cannot speak about the "INFINITY" quality of BEING no more than you can describe the taste of a strawberry for instance. Yet, if I give you a strawberry you immediately recognize its taste, right ? Same with INFINITY.

Just observe this moment and consciously sink into its essence. Become the moment itself, observe it, feel it, breathe it. BE there, without interpreting your experience through your thoughts.

Yet, if thoughts invite themselves and fly around in the moment's space, observe them just like you would notice the noise of a mosquito. But don't be hooked by your thoughts, don't let them hypnotize your brain. Remain FREE, unattached and conscious of the moment and its constant renewal, in your body and all around.

By this mere observation allow the moment to settle and let yourself fall into the bottomless pit of BEING inside. As you get closer to the source of everything in you, taste BEING's PEACE transmuting into LOVE. BE this source that is everywhere, that is everything, that is you.

When Pontius Pilate asked what is the Truth, Jesus remained silent in order for Pilate to experience BEING, or Reality's INFINITE essence, within himself. Having no word for this unfathomable yet unmistakable experience, Jesus called it the Kingdom of God. He emphasized the fact this realm was already in us (Luke 17:21), adding the Kingdom could be penetrated only by this little child we still are, somewhere inside (Matt. 18:3). The child symbolizes the human BEING before she was disconnected from Reality's essence and identified with thoughts.

The return to BEING in us is not difficult, it only needs acute subtlety and softness in our approach, like when touching the wings of a butterfly for instance. And only pure observation allows this softness.

Jesus also said, these are violent people who try to possess the Kingdom of God by force (Matt. 11:12). Violence, which is produced when we identify with our thoughts, is reducing our world into ashes right before our eyes ..."these violent delights have violent ends" because they are rooted into unresolved pains.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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