The idea that the human body should be regarded as the Temple of God finds its origin in the mists of time and manifests itself through many spiritualities worldwide.

The Rig Veda says for instance:

“The human body is the temple of God. Whoever unveils the Light of consciousness within gets the true Light. There, the sacred flame of our inner BEING is constantly bright. The experience of unity which is the fulfillment of human endeavors, renders evident The mystery of LIFE”.

The Tao Te Ching also says:

"The Great Tao is always Present within you.
You can use it any way you want". (Chapter 6).

Again, in Christianity we find the same kind of affirmation. Paul says in the Corinthians, 6:19:

"Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to your "thought"self".

When we withdraw from identification with thoughts, which is the most fundamental and widespread disease among humans on planet Earth, we realize that what we ARE is BEING in us and not our thoughts. This is an experience we can make for ourself.

By remaining at the always renewed tip of the Present Instant, we experience BEING in us as a pure and INFINITE consciousness which, free from the screen of thoughts, shines through our Body-Temple like a powerful sun.

This INFINITE consciousness is everything there "IS" and therefore it composes the very forms through which it expresses itself. Our body is an expression of this INFINITE consciousness, just like the waves are made of the ocean's water.

The Body-Temple is the INFINITE consciousness vibrating at such frequence it seems material. What I mean is you don't have a body, you ARE a body and that's where consciousness should reside. Reality's INFINITY implies absolute unity and body and soul which seem different in their forms are one in their essence.

Throughout the world and across the ages, the different spiritualities have elaborated one thousand and one techniques to unveil the Light of BEING in us. All these techniques are quite efficient. Since I was 20 I sailed many great spiritualities and practised their meditative techniques: Yoga, Mantras, Zazen, Dhikr, Sweat Lodge and, strangely enough, even Primal Therapy, until eventually I emancipated myself from my cogntive veil.

This is why I believe each person is unique and must lead his/her own path, and for this, follow his/her heart. All the spiritual techniques might be good as I said, the problem is which one is good for you ? This, only you can tell.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi


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