There's an inbuilt natural software to our brain. I call this neuronal program our Real-self because it is one with BEING in us which is the INFINITE essence of Reality.

This inbuilt brain network notably controls our natural functioning, endocrine secretions, immune system, etc. When we are hit by pains too big to be consciously encountered, and since Reality's essence is not divisible, their intensity blinds our conscious access to the Real self, enclosing us within the horizon of a cognitive, virtual and limited self.

Our organism aims at rejecting the unresolved traumas in us, just like it does for any foreign body that intrudes our system. Yet, since these traumas are too big to be consciously encountered a repressive force in us stores them as unresolved pain-memories in the depth of our limbic system, roughly hippocampus and amigdala, and this, even before their lethal impact with consciousness.

The expelling force and the repressing force in us conflict with each other, burning a big part of our energy. Eventually, in order to keep our unresolved traumas repressed and hidden in us, our body lowers the level of its immune system.

When we are expelled from our Real and wounded self into a cognitive, fake and surface one, which notably prefigures our computers' networks, it builds an image of Reality amputated from our dark, traumatic zones, yet Reality's essence is not divisible.

It must be reminded again and again that consciousness is BEING in us or Reality's essence. The fact that identification with thoughts screens consciousness, dimming its light in us, affects our body's functioning as much as it flaws our behavior in the outer World.

This is how we end up creating an artificial Worrrrzld that is not rooted into Reality in us but into floating thoughts based upon memories, upon the past in us, upon what doesn't exist anymore. This explains notably how we hurt Nature.

Nature can be adequately met only through BEING which is Nature in us. Today this artificial Worrrrzld culminates with the virtual-reality we cybernetically produce and into which we're already deeply wired. Just think of how we cannot live without our cellphone anymore ..

Norbert Wiener' cybernetics' father, regarded as a semi-god figure at MIT said: "those of us who have contributed to the new science of cybernetics stand in a moral position which is, to say the least, not very comfortable. We have contributed to the initiation of a new science which embraces technical developments with great possibilities for good and evil".

The way we destroy Nature at a planetary scale, even though we are fully informed of the danger our action implies, is symptomatic for our disconnection from Reality in us. The evil side of cybernetics Wiener pointed out is, this science empowers and some how legitimize, identification with thoughts through the impressive possibilities of electronics, robotics, etc. These possibilities hypnotize us, and make it even more difficult to grasp that identification with thoughts is a pathological disconnection from Reality's essence generating chaos and notably Nature's destruction.

Albert Einstein was quoted for having said: "If the bees disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more humans".

Even if this is only a formula to emphasize the importance of Nature for us humans, it should still be taken very seriously.

Indeed, almost a third of global farm output depends on insects' pollination, largely by honey bees. These foods provide 35% of our calories, most of our minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. Yet bees are but one element of Nature among thousands others our artificial Worrrrzld destroys every year.

A simple surface adjustment will not save us and Obama's shallow call for protecting Nature, is but cosmetic and only serves traquilizing his mind and maybe ours. This is a full and profound revolution that Humankind needs to operate in order to survive. It implies that we deeply question our society's model and even totally turn it up side down. Can we do that ?

The very first step is to localize and recognize the original flaw from where artificiality spreads on our Earth. This flaw that virtualizes our whole civilizational system, as I pointed to in the beginning of this article, is identification with thoughts which hides BEING, or Reality's INFINITE essence in us.

Thoughts camouflage the INFINITE unity of BEING with their limits.

Now, when we succeed removing the screen of thoughts and experience BEING totally naked, all we encounter is consciousness. Try it for yourself and you'll see. Therefore, what must be realized is: consciousness doesn't belong to thoughts. Consciousness is BEING's very substance in us and the "ISness" to the whole Reality.

Any point-particle has a Real mass and a Real charge which are INFINITE says quantum physics. This is because this INFINITY of the point-particle blinded all the equations that physicists invented "Renormalization" that, arbitrarily, gives the point-particle a mass and a charge different from INFINITY.. Yet, there is only one INFINITY otherwise the first one would stop where the second one would start and, one having a beginning the other an end, neither would be INFINITY since INFINITY has no beginning and no end.

The whole universe is therefore only made of this INFINITY which substance is pure consciousness. And this is this consciousness that vibrates itself into what we call matter. Said differently, the "INFINITY" quality of Reality is consciousness or SPIRIT. The Sioux Lakotas call it Wakan Tanka which can be translated as the Great Spirit or the Great Mystery because it stops nowhere. I would add also the Great Evidence since we can experience it as BEING in us.

Now, the same way as energy can be transformed into matter, consciousness can be transformed into energy. With the well known formula E=MC2 we've learnt to accept that energy (E) can transform itself into matter (M) and vice versa. The same way we should have no problem accepting that consciousness, which is INFINITY, has for access Zero, and Zero can dialectically split itself: 0 = + 1 - 1, generating energy (E) by polarization between (+) & (-). This dialectical origin for energy is notably symbolized into the Yin and Yang curling up inside a circle that represents both unity and INFINITY.

I know, accepting that consciousness is INFINITY's very substance is as difficult for today's materialist belief (based upon identification with thoughts and their limits) as it was with the Copernican Revolution in the 16th century for people to accept that the sun is not turning around the Earth but the way round.

Reality ONLY occurs and unfolds IN and FOR consciousness. Outside consciousness nothing at all exists. Consciousness is primal, the rest is an expression of consciousness and a contingency.



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