
Showing posts from December 18, 2016


The amount of CO2 we are emitting every year has reached some 39.5 gigatons and continues rising non stop. At the same time the IPCC is warning us we should bring back our global CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were during the year 1990 and this before 2020, if we are to remain within the 2 degrees. The forests of our planet absorb 40% of the global CO2 we are emitting yet, every year we cut 13 million hectares of forests. Now, more than  2 billion people, Christians and non-Christians, decorate a tree for Christmas. If we add to this the Christmas trees in the streets and shopping centers, etc., this makes a lot of trees cut down for one day celebration. This is why I propose that instead of cutting a tree for Christmas, and as to fit with Jesus' identity which was LIFE itself, people should rather plant a tree for Christmas. In this way Christmas would also be the feast of LIFE and Christians would hugely contribute to the safeguard of Humankind and Nature beyond.