
Showing posts from August 31, 2016


The only spot where you actually ARE Reality on the virtual stream of time, is the tip of the always renewed Present Instant. The past was Reality when it was the Present Instant and the future will be Reality when it will be the Present Instant. There is only one unique Present Instant in constant transformation. Now, the period of transformation of this always renewed Present Instant is so short that thoughts do not have the necessary time to be generated and they stop right away unveiling BEING in you. BEING is a limitfree consciousness which contains and pervades the whole universe. Indeed, consciousness cannot be enclosed into a form it rather transcends all the forms and is context to them. This pure consciousness - not enclosed in any thought - is called the Kingdom of God by Jesus, it is called Sunyata by the Buddha, it is called the Atman by Lord Krishna, it is called the Tao by Lao Tzu, it is called Wakan Tanka by the Sioux Lakotas, and I personally call it BEING in us. No


The first pollution occurs when the fetus, the newborn baby and the young child are impacted with pains too big to be consciously met. These pains remain in us as as unresolved memories that block our sensorial window, obstructing our access to BEING which is Reality's ISness in us. This is how we identify with our thoughts and are psychologically disconnected from Reality. Since then on we start misbehaving with Reality around us. Gradually our inner pollution spills over and spreads onto the world.


Through OBSERVATION you realize that the voice in your head, which never stops talking, is not who you ARE, is not the "I" which is OBSERVING this voice. To the point that when you OBSERVE your thoughts they disappear right away leaving as sole "I" BEING in you. Try for yourself and you'll see. There, you are awakening out of your unconscious identification with thoughts and you retrieve BEING in you.  BEING, which is pure consciousness, has no form, no size, no special location, but contains and reveals all. Everything exists IN and FOR consciousness which is a pure no-thing. This no-thing/consciousness is INFINITY itself and you are not separate from its ISness.